C H A P T E R . 36

365 35 26

Here I am After a long gap .
Did anyone missed this story ?
Ya no one even remembered it ?
Anyways here is the update .who ever missed this story .
And sorry for being late as of now exams are over so  I try to give update weekly .
Enjoy and do vote and comment .


Story continues :-

Story continues :-

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Neil :- Avii....what is....

Avni :- Neil I am sorry , I really am sorry for what ever I did till now .
Sorry for not informing in morning and coming here .
Sorry for not understanding your feelings this long .
Sorry for making you wait to hear those three magical words .
Sorry for not taking your name last day .

Neill I don't know what Love is , I  really  don't know atleast not till few days . Not till You and Parth  entered in my Life .

For me Love is Papaa's , Mamaa and Nanno because till now there were only in my life and Papaa never allowed me to go out , hangout with friends and never allowed any boy near me ,  even he didn't  allowed any boy to do friendship with me  after that incident . When you both proposed I was damn confuse because it is all new for me .
I never experinced it before Neil no one has even proposed me . How can anyone will come near me when Papaa is always with me hidding in his shell like a cocoon . I never complained because it didn't matter to me . It was always my family for me . You know  when I was in colleage Papaa made sure all my classmates were only girls , he spoke with principle and changed the  seating of my class every year . Principle sir is Papaa's best friend and he knows what I mean to Papaa and how much possessive he is for me .

And therefore I grow up childish . You know Neilu even when I was working in office as a part time worker , Papaa made sure all my collegues were only female employees and changed male employees to another cubical .

You know Neiluu you and Parth both of you entered in my life at a time in a day with hours different .

Neil :- Huh..?

He asked being confused .
She smiled seeing his confused face which is turning pink because of weather and also because of her  confession .

Avni :- Ha Neil you heard me right . You both came in my life on same day .

Yaad hai when I first met you I was scared being in some stranger arms and ranned from there though you helped me from falling into pool but  seeing some unknow person that to this close I was hell scared and ranned away . You were the first person a boy who held me like that .

And after moving from there I met Parth in " UnArt " shop . Me and Papaa was there for selecting  gift for Mamaa birthday and I scolded Parth assuming he has a thief . He was there as it was his shop and he was taking look of his inventories and I assumed he to be a theif which was my mistake . You don't know Neiluu how much I scolded Parth on that day and in return he didn't said anything and moreover he helped Papaa . From then we both matlab Me and Parth  became friends ofcourse from Mamaa's birthday party and what shocked me more was Papaa didn't stopped me from doing friendship with him .

Oh to love and to be loved 💞Where stories live. Discover now