C H A P T E R .77

174 32 46

As no one is instrested in my stories , am going to end the story very soon .
It is already in end , so after few updates I will not be bothering you guys with my boring story .
20 votes for 70+ chapters .
By now I have understood no one is actually instrested in my boring story .
I will not bother you guys anymore .
Thank you .

Story continues...,

48hours passed by

Neil , Parth , Raman couldn't get a single clue related to Avni .
Where did Karam cage her .
Enquring , checking the CCTV footage of office premises three of them got to know
by giving a high dosage poison to the bodyguards and head shot to Ramu kaka taking his place Shekar had dressed up as driver ,
when Avni hopped into the car she didn't sawed the driver face ,
has she was busy in texting someone .
After the car droved away with the help of Commissioner Neil got to watch in one signal only Avni car was seen where a sudden smoke arrived after the smoke dismiss the car was seen missed from the place .
Seeing the footage Neil broke the whole furniture in the office in anger .

It's been two days
Avni had been kidnapped and Neil couldn't able to save her ,
he didn't drink nor slept for a second running here and there checking every possible way .
With his security , and police help
Neil , Raman and Parth three of them had searched the whole Mumbai but didn't find the glimpse of Karam men not even in his farm house .
By each passing second Neil is getting mad in anger and sadness .
He is afriad for Avni , thinking what Karam might be doing with her .
He is not there to help her .

He knew Avni can protect herself...but for how long ..!!
Before her energy , strength everything gets end he wants to save her from the beast cage .
As Neil phone as been broken he didn't knew Avni called him , message him right before her kidnap happen
even now .

Present he is in hall sitting crying holding Hazel , Raman is out with Commissioner while Parth is in Kushi room in Mehta mansion , he is carefully trying to get information she knew about Karam

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Present he is in hall sitting crying holding Hazel ,
Raman is out with Commissioner
while Parth is in Kushi room in Mehta mansion ,
he is carefully trying to get information she knew about Karam .
Where he could hide Avni .
Kushi is trying her best to remember holding Parth ,
she is crying as well remembering her past , the torture she went throught
and doesn't want the same happen to her Dii ,
who gave her family and life to live .

Ishitha is in Mehta mansion with Nanno and Bebe .
She is on drip as she along with Neil didn't ate or slept .
As Neil asked to leave him alone Bebe went to Mehta mansion .
DD who came to see Neil felt like crying seeing his sir , bhai
fulffy swollen eyes , red cheeks , dishaved state .

DD :-  Bhai , your phone is reparied . I have checked the log list and new mails , messages , calls , everything .
Sir , right before bhabhi got kidnapped , bhabhi called you thrice .
When you didn't pickup the call , she message you saying
"Help , Neiluu"..

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