C H A P T E R . 40

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1)Sorry for the late update readers from now , I will try to update weekly .
2) And also I publish few chappies of my new story " Her's Mr . Perfect "on new pair (Ad and Parth )  , do read and share views on it ,
3)Vote ,  Comment and Share on both the stories if you find worth reading .


Days passed by blink of an eye .
Night in Mehta Mansion ,

Avni is sitting on couch deeply immersed in working for an important meeting which is in next morning . She is in call instructing her P. A . Priya about some notes to be taken care by tomorrow before meeting starts .

Ishitha :- Avuu enough of work it's dinner time baby .

Avni :- Maa 10 more minutes .

Ishitha :- No more excuses . Your dinner time already passed . From past one hour you are saying the same 10mins , 10mins . Now enough of excuses .

Avni :- Mamaa please only 10 minutes .

Ishitha :- But ...

Raman :- Ishuu let it be . I will feed her give me her plate .

Ishitha :- I already tried it Raman but she didn't have anything not even a bite .

Raman :- You have tried but not me right . Let me try Ishuu . I know my Princess will have food from her Papaa's hand .

Ishitha :- Ok as you wish .

Handling plate of food to Raman , Ishitha stood still standing opposite to Avni who is so engrossed in work not giving any look anywhere to anyone .
Avni is like a Robot , she becomes very strict , sincere forgetting her health and other things when she works  .
Raman seated beside Avni gaining her attention for which Avni smiled widely looking at her Papaa and again went back to work .

Raman :- Princess is everything ready for tomorrow meeting ?

Avni :- Yess , Papaa . Almost everything is ready except this small notes . In few minutes everything will be done Papaa .

Raman :- Princess , how many times did we said you not to ignore your health . Business and Work can wait Bacha but Health cannot and should not .

Avni :- I know Papaa . I thought it will take only 30 min to complete but my assumption went wrong .

Raman :- It's ok but why you were not eating when Ishuu tried to feed you ! Atleast you let Ishuu feed na Bacha !

Avni :- Sorry Papaa , didn't liked it when Mamaa doing that . It was kind of distracting and disturbing me soo...

Raman :- Then am I not distracting you now Princess ?

Avni :- Distracting ! No you are not . See I almost came to end this notes .

Ishitha :- Avuu baby if you didn't understood what Raman mean then see it by yourself . Raman is feeding you Avuu since then and you have completed half of your dinner in talks and also your work .

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