C H A P T E R . 86

197 27 26

CAUTION :-  18+ scenes and dailouges ahead.
Read at the own risk.
No vulger or bad comments are entertained .

Story continues...,

A week later.
AvNeil room.

Neil is waiting for Avni who is busy in office since morning where for once she didn't come home or called Neil.
Neil obviously know ,
Avni is very busy and is safe as DD is with her all the time ,
updating all her updates to him,
Time to time.

After the anniversary night for two days both of them are free from work spend their quality time
but then again ,
Avni became busy with the work at the same time spending their quality time with each other mostly in nights .
Avni neither missed her proffessional life or neglected personal life.
Inspite of all the feelings ,
Neil is missing Avni alot yet he didn't said anything to her as he know how much busy she is ,
and also giving him as much as time

Girls compliant to boys about not giving time to them , becoming busy in proffessional life ,
but here the case is different ,
Girl is being busy yet giving time to boy , but still the boy is missing the girl more then anything ,
But he is not complaining anything about it., not for once.
By understanding her , he is helping how much he could .

Neil is not allowed to work yet ,
after checking him last time Doctor had prescibed not to work soon , need to heal still ,
For which Neil is still resting in home.
He tried to accept two to three offers of album
but didn't liked by Avni ,
She didn't liked the concept and the lyrics not wanting to accept it ,
Neil politely declined the offers...
he is in search of a good song...
and working on a new music with his own lyrics ,
Composing music aswell
being in home.

Present ,
Neil is laying on bed scrolling his phone seeing fans edits in instagram , killing his time.
Time to time he kept gazing at time only to know time is clicking by yet Avni is not yet home ,
He is waiting for her desperatly
as he is very hungry and cannot eat without her.
Avni had skipped lunch today though Neil had asked to eat ,
Saying "will definetly do when she get time" ...
in last Avni didn't had lunch letting Neil to not have his meals.
As he doesn't eat without her.
Even when both of them far or near.,
Knowing this Avni calling Neil asked him to do the lunch but
whom do she is saying too.....
Neil doesn't listen to her words in this matter .
He will eat only when she does if not
A Big No.

Neil :- Yaar Avii , why are you taking so much time to come ?
Isn't your meeting over already ....am hungry and you are not here to have dinner...come fast Jaan.

Mumbling to himself drinking water he by closing eyes , let sleep took over him.
In midnight nearly 1:00am ,
Avni entered the room without making any sound ,
she is hell tried yet seeing Neil sleeping like a baby on stomach with an open mouth chuckling
kissing his cheeks without disturbing his sleep , taking the night wear she rushed into washroom.
After 10-mins she came out fresh taking a hot shower.

Drying the hair combing ,without disturbing Neil sleep she immediatly cuddle into him.
5-mins later Avni opening her eyes wide looked at Neil .
He is still sleeping and she remember Neil didn't ate anything from afternoon ,
Nor she did .
Cursing herself for forgetting such a small thing making Neil to suffer ,
Avni removing Neil had from her waist which she kept 5-mins back,
Moved out of the room.

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