C H A P T E R . 71

190 28 21

Story continues..,

Karam  :-  All the best Neil Khanna . I am waiting .
Waise the main reason I called you to inform that your sources information is right . I am going to Canada for a business meet where Avni is also invited ...but it's ok now she can't come .
Till 1- month you both are free .
Enjoy your life with my baby doll and have sex with her as much as you can ...but after 1-months as I said , you can't have her as I am going to kidnap her forever .
Till then enjoy your 2nd honeymoon with my baby doll .
And haa also take care of her so that she will be alright when she pleasures me .
Hahhahaha bye bye Neil Khanna , meet you soon .
Till then mourn on your unborn baby and Jerry deaths .

Neil :-  You...bastard ....

Shouting on stop of his lungs Neil throwed the phone on the french door making it to break into pieces ,
listening the loud shout and breaking sound family who are talking in living area came to the room hurridly only to see feared Avni on bed who waked up listening Neil's shout breathing heavily where Neil ,
he is not in his senses to see his surroundings nor Avni .
He is hell angry listening to Karam .
Why won't he be .

Seeing Neil angry Prakash went outside to porch to have a look at Neil where he is shaking in anger he didn't went near him as the glass french door as been broken and pieces are all over the land .

Seeing Neil angry Prakash went outside to porch to have a look at Neil where he is shaking in anger he didn't went near him as the glass french door as been broken and pieces are all over the land

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Ishitha went to Avni who is breathing heavily feeling scared sitting on bed sweating ,
Erasing her sweat Ishitha hugged Avni creassing her hair , getting down from her scaredness .
Neil is not in his senses as he is shaking in anger listening to Karam , remembering his words again and again .

Ishitha :-  Shshhshs Avuu nothing bacha .

Avni :-  Mama... Neil ....

Ishitha :-  He is right here baby , see he is standing there .

Avni :-  Neiluuu....

Neil :-  .....

Avni :-  Neiluuu....

Listening Avni scared voice for the second time understanding she got scared and is wide awake now ,
Neil in an instand turned his face towards Avni only to see she is shivering very badly in Ishitha arms .
Firstly , She is not well and in the middle of sleep she woke up in a jolt being scared by the loud sound of breaking .
Secondly ,she is still under effect of medicines .

Without looking at the ground Neil started to come inside ingnoring the glass pieces only to stop by Prakash .

Prkash :-  Neill...carefull . Come from the other side , can't you see the glass pieces ,
more over  you are not even wearing shoes .

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