C H A P T E R . 52

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Story continues ....,

After their hot loving session AvNeil both of them are sleeping peacfully in each other arms in a single duvet covering their bare bodies , Neil's hand on Avni waist pulling her closure hiding his face in nook of her neck

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After their hot loving session AvNeil both of them are sleeping peacfully in each other arms in a single duvet covering their bare bodies , Neil's hand on Avni waist pulling her closure hiding his face in nook of her neck .
As both  of them slept in early hours busy in loving each other , there are still sleeping peacfully being exhausted ,  though the time is 10:00 am .

Avni woke up feeling  the sunrays on her face as their room is attached to porch and french doors are open , frowning she hided her face snuggling more into Neil's warmth embrace where he is making her sleep more , trying for some a time avoiding the sunrays when she couldn't able to run away from it , taking the thick comfortor hiding her face in it she closed her eyes tightly , because of her constant movements Neil woke up frowning rubbing his eyes  seeing her actions he understood that she is trying to run away from sunrays , smiling at her cute irritational face getting up from bed wearing his shorts he stood near porch closing the doors then curtains .

Smiling he went to sit near her , sitting on bed creassing her face he kissed her face after pulling the comfortor from her face .
He let her sleep for some more time as he knew both of them barely slept in the night , seeing the time he went to freshup kissing her forehead .
Coming out from washroom getting fully fresh he ordered his bodyguards to assemble near the hall in 5mins via phone , ordering the breakfast making it ready near the porch like yesterday he went to hall to have a talk with his bodyguards .

He is sitting on sofa with a swag eyeing at his bodyguards who failed to protect his Jaan .
Seeing them , remembering Avni's tear stained face , her fear , anger enforced him .

Neil :-  Can I know the exact event what had happened yesterday !

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Neil :-  Can I know the exact event what had happened yesterday !

He asked in a dangerously hard voice making chills down they spine .

Bodyguard 1 :-  Sir ...

Neil :- I am listening .

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