C H A P T E R . 27

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Story continues :-

Avni :- Neiluu .

Neil :- Hmmmm .

Still hugging each other .

Avni :- Neiluu why we are here ? In your farm house !! And this dress , why my dresses are here in your cupboard ?

Neil :- Remember we went for shopping a month ago and you went to men's washroom !

Avni :- Ha , I remember and stop annying me by saying I went to Gents washroom .

Neil :-Hahhahaa ok ,  So when I was waititng for you I liked this dress which you are wearig now   and many of them so I bought all .

Avni :- Ha but who buys whole mall . Literally there are more then 50+ dresses in your cupboard and all were of same colour i .e Blue with different models .

Neil :- Me . And I love to see you in Blue so I bought more of blue then any other colour . But still there are other colours too .

Avni :- Very funny . Neiluuu , Parth will be fine naa !!

Neil :- He will and he have to Avii . How much I understood him by your words I can  surely say that he will not let you live a guilt life . He to knows , you will be taking stress and feelings guilt as everything happened because of you .

Avni is shocked to the core listening Neil calm voice . He is not getting angry on her by mentioning Parth's name , instead he is saying sweet words .

Her eyes are wide opened looking at him shockingly ,
Her look is more like a tease to him  . To control himself from kissing her hard he sighted hardly glumping hard .

She is looking uber cute with a confuse look adoring her face .

Her expressions said why she is looking at him like that , smilingly he answered her ...

Neil :- Aviii I know why you are confused , but there is no scope to get confused bachcha . Yes I don't like Parth , I don't like the way how you always gives him importance more then me . Yes " I Hate him " but not when he saved your life risking his own .

Now He is fighting with his own life just for You . I didn't get it when you said he is soo selfless ,
I didn't get it when you said for him everything matters only after You .
I thought probably you were just giving him more importance , you were just highlightening more ,  but now when I had seen his selfless Love for You , your tears for him .... I can surely say he will come back to you at any cost .

Yes I Hate Him but not to the extent that I want him to die .

I don't want to Lie Avii , yes the chances are really very less . Few minutes back DD informed me the operation is going on and there are only 15%chances but still Parth , he is responding to the treatment , he is fighting Avii , withinfew hours operation will be complete and we can hear good news any time .

Avni :- Really .

Neil :- Yes kiddo  . You prayed to god so now rest leave it to him . He will not take a person Like Parth so easily . And I also informed police to investigate this issue , they are looking into it . Don't worry I promise you that who ever did this  I am not going to leave them .

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