C H A P T E R . 4

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While in the car :

Raman:- what happened suddenly bacha , you are all fine few movements ago right !

Avni:- I don't know papaa, i was just seeing the pool and from no where i sawed there was a stranger coming close to me and i got scared seeing him .

Raman:- Avuu are you alright bacha !

Avni:- I am fine papaa that stranger saved me from falling into pool ,he is not that bad but still he is stranger na.

Raman:- Falling into pool ! what are you saying baby you said you are alright na then !

Avni:- I am totally fine papaa as i said earlier ,when i sawed that stranger i just lost my balance and when i was about to fall he saved me from falling that's it . Don't worry papaa your avuu is sooo strong and now she is fit and fine.

Raman:-Acha !! then why did you got afraid by seeing a stranger ! how many times i told to you bacha if you see any new person instead of being afraid by them you just avoid them .Not all are bad by seeing one person we can understand how he /she is .From next time when ever you meet a new person you try to understand them by their behaviour if you like them and mainly if you feel safe then talk with them if not noo .Ok !

Avni:- Ok papaa as you say .

Raman:- Ok then say me how was that person who had saved you from falling?

Avni:- Hmmmm i don't know papaa i have not seen his face . When he saved me i was closing my eyes and when i thought of opening them suddenly his phone rang taking this as opportunity by running fastly i came to you .

Raman:- From next time be careful ok . Now say me where you want to go ?

Avni:- Okk papaa , mmmm let's go to mall , we have to buy dresses and gift for mama birthday na .

Ramam:- Ohh haa in all these matters it just slipped out of my mind that in few days ishu birthday is coming ,thanks for reminding me bacha . And ha there is one thing which i want you to do immediatly after reaching home !

Avni:- Comeon papaa thanks doesn't suit us . And about what work you are talking papaa!

Raman:- I am talking about that stunt which you had pulled before coming out of our home .

Avni:- Say cleary na papaa , i am not understanding what you are talking about !

Raman: Morning you said to your mama that you like her instead of love !why avu ?

Avni:- Papaa i just said that because love and like are two same meaning words ! I thought i said i love you to you so i changed to i like you to mama that's it papaa.

Raman:- Avu baby listen , your intentions are not bad you are right in your view but just think about your mama how she felt when she heard you saying her i like you ! Love and Like are not the same meaning words bacha . They two are two different words .

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