C H A P T E R . 79

199 33 26

Story continues...,

Hawai .
Early morning in hospital .
Parth had rushed to near by hospital yet it had took enough time to reach the place as there were no hospitals in village nor near by .
Neil had lost lots of blood and is unconsciouss and so does Avni .
She is totally exhausted and shocked to see her Janaooa
shot 4-times by Karam .

DD is having a hard time to bear the pain sitting holding Neil ,
he is controlling hard .
Rushing driving in a high speed following the gps
Parth reached hospital around 3:00am .
Nurses , ward boys rushed to help two of them while Parth carried Avni in his arms to the in-patient ward  where Physician is checking on patients .
Seeing Avni in Parth's arms Physician asked nurse to take Avni
while on other side surgeron started to perfrom operation on Neil whom seems to be in a critical position .
DD is treating by an intern in emergency ward .
Parth is waiting outside the Operation theater near Neil room ,
with teary eyes .
His both friends are in critical position .
Avni condition is not normal either ,
the slit she did a day ago was been treated but not to the fullest wear the problem is still on .

Khanna's and Mehta's are on the way .
Coming from their personal flight .
Don't know how but the news
Neil been shot ,
Avni been kidnapped by Karam is cerculating in whole social media .
Fans are worried for Neil and Avni
as well , 
has after Neil married Avni ,
the love he as for Avni is cleary shown on social media in his every post which made fans to ship them and adore Avni to the full extent .

Hours passed by
Neil is been operated still while Avni is shifted to I.C.U ,
she is kept in observation to study her mental health as she was under trauma , continued to utter Neil name in her unconsciouss state .
Parth and DD are sitting near operation theater , waiting for the operation to end .
Raman called Parth an hour ago saying they will be reaching in no time .

As Raman said whole family reached in no time .
Seeing Parth and DD sitting on a chair all of them went to their direction .
Seeing all of them Parth only showed direction towards the place where Neil is being treated when Prakash and Bebe asked for Neil .
Raman and Ishitha asked for Avni who said she is taking rest in I.CU , is in observation .
Bebe and Prakash are crying seeing Neil in this condition while Alekya hugged Parth crying her heart out seeing her best friends in this condition .

Creassing Alekya hair , not showing his sadness to anyone Parth started to console her .

Parth :-  Alkaa , stop crying . Neil will be fine . Doctors are treating him na .
Alkaa please stop crying .

Alekya :- I am unable to see Monkey in this condition Parth ...

Parth :- Shshshshs he will be fine soon . Stop crying baby ....

Alekya :-  Hmm....what doctors said ?

Parth :-  They are still treating Alkaa , operation needs to be finish to know further .

Prakash :- Since hours they are treating my son Parth , when will we get to know about him ??

Parth :- Neil has been shot 4-times uncle . Three on back and one on claf .
Doctors said , it is hard to treat him as Neil lost , lot of blood  .

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