C H A P T E R . 39

261 29 14

Story continues ,

Midnight in Mehta Mansion ,
In Raman and Ishitha room .

Raman  :- I never thought our baby doll will leave us this early Ishuu . How fastly she as grown up .

Ishitha :- Wo tho hai Raman . It is really hard for me to still believe she had already got engaged to our Tillu and in few days she will marry him changing her sur name to Khanna from Mehta .

Raman :- Can't we arrange the date of marriage next year Ishu . I really don't want to live without her . How are we going to live without our Princess , Ishuu !

Ishitha  :- I know Raman this is really hard phase for every girl parent but in the end we need to do her marriage on one or the other day right so why not now ! .

Raman  :- I know Ishuu but this is really hard than I have expected .

Ishitha :- It is hard for me too but I am happy thinking our Princess is marrying our Tillu with whom she can be living without any anyworries . Neil loves our Princess a alot , Raman .

Raman  :- Right Ishuu in start I was actually really  worried seeing Neil's possessiveness for our Avuu but by time he changed .

Ishitha :- Not only Tillu , Raman even our Avuu as changed . She is no more childish .

Raman  :- And for that I hate Neil . He literally changed our Avu in just 2months . Why do I even allowed Avu to stay with him that time ! If not then our Avu will be same like before all cute , kiddish , innocent .

Ishitha  :- Raman , in todays world every person need to be brave and strong not childish . And our Avu need to be more strong then only she can handle business effeciently .

Raman :- But still I want her to be like herself like before with us , in home not outside . Our child is brave enough to handle any situation Ishuu , it's just that till now she didn't got any chance to prove herself . And more over she is just 23 not any 30+ to act like an adult forgetting innocence . Her innocence is what I want to preserve forever , Ishuu .

Ishitha  :- Hmm don't worry Raman she is still the same its just that she is not showing anything out often like she used to before . Whereas Neil didn't done anything wrong . They both are destined and so after both meeting each other both of them changed without their  knowledge  but for good .

Raman  :- Hmm you are right Ishuu . I am  missing our old Avu and today she got engaged and I am missing our daughter more then anything .

Ishitha  :- Raman relax . Our baby is just shifting to our opposite house still we can have her like before . When ever we want or when ever she wants we all can meet in seconds without time gap . In office and in home we are together Raman , our baby is not going anywhere leaving us .
We are lucky parents Raman , thats why our Avu is infront of our eyes every second in opposite house with changing sur name .
Which parent is this lucky to have their daughters with them even after they marriage Raman .

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