C H A P T E R . 70

228 29 24

Many of you want to end the Karam character who is the villain of the story .
But how can I end his role when his real character is not shown or started yet .
It is just a begining of a creul , lusty villian .
Untill unless I show him completly I can't end the only villain in the story .
Sorry readers  if you are not liking the Karam role or the story but I can't end the villain when his role is not completly started and is needed .

Story continues ...,

Avni :-  Neiluu...what as happened to me ? Why I am in hospital ? Why my stomach hurt so much yesterday ?
Doctors did some operation but I didn't knew what for it .
When I opened my eyes after closing in operation room , I was still in hospital and my stomach still hurts .

Neil :-  Nothing Jaan..wo...actually....

Avni  :-  Neiluu ...why do I feel incomplete . I am feeling like I lost something precious . What is this feeling Neiluu ????

Neil  :- Aviii....

Avni :-  Tilluu

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Avni :-  Tilluu...why are you crying ?
Ye aasu ?

Neil :-  Nothing Jaan , I..I.... was afriad seeing you in hospital . You know na I can't see a single wound on you ....now when you have went through an operation and is looking so pale....I...I...am unable...see ..you..like this Jaan .
And ha nothing has happened to you , since days you kept avoiding food na , so your stomach didn't able to take the neglegence so it started to ache .

Avni :-  What kind of joke you are saying Neil . Matlab kuch b . I ain't that idiot to believe your lie . Say me what had happened to me in actual .

Neil :-  Avii...don't you trust me !

Avni :-  Neilu...this is not about trust , ok if you don't want to say me the reason then it's ok .
It might be something which  is not good for me to listen .
I will not ask here after why I am in hospital , say me when you want to say it .
Don't worry Tillu , I will not ask anyone either .
If you don't want me to know about it then it is , ok .
There might be some valid reason , if you are hiding it from me .

Neil :-  When did my Avii became this mature !
It is nothing much baby , you are not well and the reason for staying here and operation , I will say you but when the time comes .
But promise me Jaan , when you get to know the truth you will not hate me or avoid me .
I am doing what ever it is only for your wellbeing Jaan , remember it .

Avni :-  Hmmm, ok and I trust you ,promise you .
Say me when you feel like sharing it with me .
  Now don't cry , I don't like tears in your eyes .
I am fine Tillu , see I am all good infront of you .

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