C H A P T E R . 23

219 40 10

Neil's Provo :-

Avuu ki message . What she might have send ? Ohh yaa how can I forget it , she said   yesterday that from today onwards she is going to join Art class .

You idiot , how can you forget it .
Anyways now finally when she sended the message and I remembered about  her classes  , here I  am stucked between meeting .

In few mintues meeting will be end so I  will directly video call her   . Now it's been ours since I had seen my kiddo .

Still 5 more mintunes then I can video call her , comeon end this stupid meeting fastly .

Ufff finally now I can call her .

Avuu pick up the call bachcha .


Here  , Avni is busy in cleaning herself .  After cleaning she came out and started to search for Parth as he is no where to be seen in the room in order to see around she seen her phone which  is vibrating , she kept her phone in a silent mode so that  no one disturbes  her in her  work .  But when she sawed Neil called her for more then 5 times in a span of 3 minutes that to video call , she called him immediatly because she knows  if she takes or few mintues even to call him he will be mad at her .

So , without wasting any movement she called him and he reverted within a second as if he is waiting for her call .

When she  started talking with Neil , at the same time Parth came with bunch of chocaltes , slices of sandwiches and some milk filled with nutella .

She smiled looking at him while he returned the same smile to her .
Seeing her talking very sensible he came to know  that  she is talking to Neil .

And when he gestured who he is in the phone !
She replied Neil .

Saying ok Parth went from their giving her own space to chat with Neil .
While going he gestured her that he is taking snacks with him to the dinning hall and after finishing her call asked to call him so that he comes and  take her to the hall .

Seeing her gesture he smiled and went from their . 

Back to Neil , he sensed his Avuu is not paying attention  to him so to gain her attention he started to speak loudly but when she asked him to keep quite as her ears are paining   he started to laugh loud making Avni angry .

Both of them talked for minutes but Avni didn't said where she is taking her painting classes  even when Neil kept on asking about the place .

Having no other choise  she said where she is now and from whom she is taking her classes only to see angry Neil and his shouting .

She is not understanding what is Neil  problem with Parth and why he is behaving like this when ever she says about Parth .

Though she is angry on Neil for shouting  on her without any reason still she kept quite has she knows if she to says anything it will lead to fight at the end .

Neil :- Avuu how can you keep this matter from me . Why you wre hiding it Avuu ?

Avni :- Neiluu I am sorry for not informing you in before hand  .

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