C H A P T E R . 47

288 31 16

Thank you to one and all for taking time and reading my story giving reviews and encouraging me to pen well , continue to write and enjoy the ride

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Thank you to one and all for taking time and reading my story giving reviews and encouraging me to pen well , continue to write and enjoy the ride .
Thank you so much each and everyone .
And Silent readers who till now are silently enjoying the story atleast hereafter give me some valuable votes and comments so that I can pen the updates more well .
Once again thank you one and all .


Story continues ....,,,

As Avni dragged Neil holding his hand to garden which is in back side of Khanna Mansion through staircase of their porch , Neil followed her keeping a grumpty face as he was so invovled in romancing his wifey that she spoiled his romance in a mid way .

Neil :- Avii ... what yaar how can you spoil our romance in middle !!!

Avni :- Uffoo Neiluu you always thinks about romance forgetting what we thought to do on our first night of marriage .

Neil :- What did I forget !?

He asked being so confused forgetting her little wish remembering each and everything about her . Seeing her eyeing at a specific direction he remembered what both of them planned .

Neil :- Opppss sorry Jaan , don't know how it slipped out of my mind .

Avni :- Koi nahi Neiluu now as we both are here come lets dig and Plant a tree .

She said showing a plant saplings in her hands being so excited and happy .
Her happiness lies in very small things . Seeing her excitement his grumptiness turned into happiness . Taking a sapling from her hand both of them begain to dig the hole enjoying themselves to plant a saple while digging the soil  .
When the dig is enough to keep the saple Neil gave Avni saplings asking her to keep the saple inside the soil , but Avni being Avni she didn't take the saple from his hand but taken his hand in hers and both of them planted a new plant with some saples .

When both of them made the soil normal , after waterning it both of them stood happily seeing the plants .

Avni :- Like our Love grows hereafter same like the plants and the samples which we planted will grow by time . When these plants becomes Tree we will be having a beautiful family .

Neil :- Me , you and our children hai na .

Avni :- Ha Neil . Like Love and Trust is important for any relation to hold same like Water and Sun are important for plants to hold and Live so that we can live happily .

Oh to love and to be loved 💞Where stories live. Discover now