C H A P T E R . 32

220 33 16

Story continues :-

Avni :- Promise me Neil you will never ever behave like this .

She asked againt his neck still hugging him as he is not ready to leave her .

Neil  :- Promise Avii , I will try my best to not behave like this again . Anything for you Avii amd this is the first time you are asking me something that to for us then how can I say No .

Avni :-Pakka promise na ? I know you have a very bad temper and it is not good Neiluu , Papaa says Anger will not let anyone live they lives . I want you to Live happy with out any worrries and I don't want you to be the reason of anyones nor someone suffer Neil . Today I had seen the wrost side of yours and I am afirad too , just once think na Neiluu what everyone had thaught about you . You are a great and famous Musician amd everyone of your fans , they should be proud by saying about their Idol .

I have seen your craze , love and name you have earned from fans Neil by your hard work , and I don't want me to be the reason of your badname . They are many people who had seen you like this inside the restaurant and many were afraid too , they might be your fans to inside ,  they were kids Neil still you had not seem or think anything before lashing on them , you are not any Don Neiluu you are a grear BusinessMan and a famous Musician , so please control your anger Neil , I can't see you like this all broken and the reason is me . It is hurting me Neil , I don't want anger Neil but my sweet , cute Neiluu .

She said cupping his face looking deeply into his eyes which are filled with tears .
He gently wiped her tears and kissed her eyes followed by forehead . Resting his head on hers he said ....

Neil :- I am so sorry Avii , I know what ever happened was wrong , lossing my control over my emotions but I promise never ever I will repeat it from now onwards I try my best to give you your Neiluu back . And now let me drive , it is already past 11:00pm and it is so dark , if you want to drive we will go for a long drive tomorrow morning but not now bachcha , let me drive , ok !

Avni :- Ok .

Neil had silently placed Avni on passenger seat and he himself settled in driver seat .

It takes only 20min to reach their home but Avni is so tired so she slept in car itself , resting her head on Neil's shoulder . He kept on pecking her forehead for every 10sec .

He had already seen in her eyes that she is damn sleepy and tired that's why he said " Not to drive " because she is hardly keeping her eyes open .

By the time they reached Avni is slept fully and  he can hear her soft snoring .
Picking her in his arms he layed her on his bed . He can't let her sleep alone after yesterdays night . He want her to be beside her everytime .

Laying her on bed he slowly removed her shrug , he can't change her as of now he don't have any right but he can still remove her shrug , it will be difficult for her to sleep keeping shrug on .
Freshing himself he settled on bed beside her taking her in his arms kissing for one last time on her forehead he slept feeling complete .

She completes him .
In all the ways .


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