C H A P T E R . 85

180 34 31

Am not understanding one thing , Why do am even updating the chapters for just 24votes for 84 chapters...
Do I really deserve it ?
Silent readers you say it by yourself ...what you are doing is good in any way .
Not voting is a mental tourture.
Not about comparing but why do only my Avneil stories are not getting good response compare to others ?
Here the thing is not even in promoting the story as no one as time for voting leave about promoting .

Just 24votes for 84 chapters wow ....nothing can be dissapointing then this .
You guys always proff me as A Failure .

story continuous...,

Prakash :-  Neil , Avni beta in few more hours is your first wedding anniversary , why don't you both go out and enjoy each other company .

Bebe :- Also it's been many months both of you went out . Tillu also needs a vacation right Avu !

Avni :- Bebe , what ever you are saying are truth . But it's ok Bebe .
It is quite late and Neil is been out since evening .
He needs rest now more then enjoyement .
We both will enjoy in our room aap chinta mat kiziye .
Hai na Neiluu.?

Neil :- Ha Avii , but even I want to spend some personal time with you in cool breeze .
Out of the house.
It's our first anniversary Jaan.

Avni :-  I know Neiluu but also you need rest .
I promise we will enjoy tomorrow whole day .
Also Mamaa and Papaa are arranging a grand party for us tomorrow evening .
Till then we both will enjoy lot , trust me .

Neil :- Fine , if you don't want it then no rush in it Avii .
Dad , we will come along .

Prakash :- As your wish.

Saying Neil followed Prakash holding Avni hand , he wants to spend time with her but Avni is not ready and he can't force her for anything .
Seeing his sad face Avni smile sadly ,she wanted to spend time with Neil as much as he want , but she can't do it now as she had planned a huge surprise for him in Khanna Mansion which no one knows about .
Sitting beside him in back seat , Avni kissed Neil cheeks to make him normal , smiling at her he pecked Avni's forehead .

Neil :-  No need to ice me sweetheart . Am not sad or angry on you .
More then me you need rest , so am not saying anything .

Avni :-  I promise Neiluu we will celebrate in our porch .

Neil :- That we will do for sure Jana . I had already arranged for it .

Avni :- I know , that's why I didn't planned anything yet.

Neil :-  Ok , I trust you.

Avni :-  You have to Baby .

Neil :- An I always will Darling.

As the car reached Khanna Mansion first by Prakash car and then followed by AvNeil car ,
decending down the car Avni holding Neil's hand carefully walked beside him , as he is stumbling a bit because of exhaustion and slight pain.

Neil :-  Relax Avii , am fine . Just a slight pain.

Avni :- Slowly Neiluu , you might hurt yourself more.

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