C H A P T E R . 6

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Parth:-  So avu ! Come i will take you to my office .

Avni:- Who avu ? What avu ? Where avu ? 

Parth:- Ofcourse you !! Your name is avu right !! Sir has called you by that name only ?

Avni:-  Haa , only my parents and nano can call me as avu but not you because you are a stranger to me ! Got it ?

Parth:- Ohh  okk , then Miss come we will go to my office or you want to stay here and keep a look around   the art works? 

Avni:-Oye ,look i am not any  Miss means i am Miss but not for you , call me by my name . Miss is too formal and more over it is souding like i am some kind of a aged lady !

Parth:-Ok  avu ,  i mean miss oppss hehhe My name is Parth ,what is your sweet name cutiepie  ?

Avni:- Why should i have to say you my name and don' t call me cutiepie .

Parth:-  If you don't say me your name then by what name i should you ?

Avni:- Hmmm you are right if i don't say  you my name then how can you call me,, okk .My name is Avni Mehta ,MBA final year student in commerce .

Parth:- Awwweee  you are soo cute avni and your name is so sweet like you . By the way i had just asked your name but not what you are studying !!

Avni:- Haaaww are you flirting with me by any chance !  Cute , sweet , !!! Haaa ( asking him by raising her eyesbrows) . It's just that it's my habit .

Parth:- Noo i am just stating the fact , you are really cute avu , sorry  i mean Avni .

Avni:- Hmm papaa , mama or nano  says me the same that i am the cutest bacha .

Parth:- Yess you are baby .

Avni:- What did you just say !!!

Parth:- Nothing , i am saying your parents are right your are cute and sweet .

Avni:- Ohh , Thank you , but you are not allowed to call me cute or cutipie , got it ?

Parth:-Point noted cutie .

Avni:- You are  bad , i said you na don't call me cutie then why are you still calling me that?

Parth:- Haa i am just teasing you avni , i am loving your pouting and  your cute face . ( what did you just said parth ! R you out of your mind or what now what will you say to her think , think)

Avni:- Hawww , you really are a bad person my father is wrong you are not any gentle man  , i hate you ! arghh why did you leave me with this idiot papaa  ,come fast naa . And how dare you to say that  you are loving to tease  me , how can someone love  to tease any girl just like that we have been meeting for the 1st time naa  !!! Answer mee nowww?

Parth:- Clam down lil tigress , clam down .Okk i am sorry i will not call you cutie nor cutiepie from now onwards . I know i am at flaut  . Now come we will  discuss about your art sir might be coming .

Avni:- Hmmm good for you and i don't know how to describe about it , it is confusing i just sawed it for once that to from far .

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