C H A P T E R . 88

246 29 48

Caution :-

Totally 18+ chapter.

Story continues...,

Neil  :-  Only I have the right to touch you and to feel you like this Avii.,..

Avni :- Leaving you I don't want anyone to touch me neither Janaaooa.

Facing each other Avni kissed Neil's lips,
While his hands are roaming all over her bare body at the same time massaging her melons.
Slowly his lips traits down to her breaths taking them inside his mouth making a pop sound for every round he is taking her nipples inside his mouth ,
kissing and stucking her already hardened nipples.

Avni began to remove Neil's shirt unbottoning his shirt , followed by pant., at present Avni forgot both of them should not have sex and carried out in flow.
Neil standing making himself nude , removing Avni's damp panties aswell , placing her in bath-tub he joined her.

Taking some lather in his plams ,
He slowly started to massage Avni body from melons to her private part.,
While Avni relaxing kept her head onto Neil's chest.
Avni is infront of Neil , both of their bare bodies are touching each other in most intimate way.
Avni sliding head backwards captured his lips once again ,
moving her hands in his hair uncontrolly while Neil's hands are roaming freely on her body.

Relaxing from kiss , breathing heavily  Avni looked into Neil's eyes which are teary.,
she obviously know the reason for his tears ,
turning around fully she hugged Neil pressing her melons ,
hardened nipples to that of Neil's , making him whimper ,
erasing his teary cheeks kissing them she hugged him more tightly ,
Where he hugged back more tightly.
Neil is already hard yet he is waiting for Avni to say anything,
to move further.
Avni hands started to massage his body from chest to tights ,
her lips are moving in sync with her hands ,.
Avni is placing a soft yet wet kisses on Neil's cheeks followed to lips and then throat ,
she started to suck his skin like a vaccune from jaw line to his adam apple ,.
This is probably the first time Avni is pleasuring Neil in utmost blessfull way possible ,
where he didn't for once thought Avni could actually be this bold in his wildest dreams.
He wanted her to be this bold , but never asked for.
Avni turning totally to front sitting in Neil's lap where both of their private parts came in contact ,
Neil stucked his breath back sucking onto Avni skin,
neck to shoulder.
Both of them are pleasuring each other not knowing.
Neil hungrily kissing Avni taking her mouth in his ,
whisper painfully against her neck.

Neil :-  I can't wait more , I want you badly Jaan ....

Hearing him Avni came out of her high, becoming sober she looked into Neil's eyes innocently,
his eyes are literally pleasing her to enter inside her
and face expressions are holding painful sight cause of his builed up buldge.

Avni :-  Neillu...

Neil :-  Let me Enter you Avii..,ride me baby pleasee...

Avni :-  Never please me Neiluu,..for anything.

Neil :-  Fuck...I can't control more Avii...

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