C H A P T E R . 64

195 30 15

Story continues ...,

As both of them decend the stairs , stood in middle of their family , first thing Bebe did is to take evil eyes of them making everyone laugh

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As both of them decend the stairs , stood in middle of their family , first thing Bebe did is to take evil eyes of them making everyone laugh .
One by one came and started to wish Neil ,where he happily listening everyone's praise for him holding his wife hand who is smiling seeing everything .
Raman and Prakash got busy in their business talks ,
Bebe , Nanno into their friends talks where Ishitha is helping Alekya in arranging some items .
Staff already made all the arrangements Alekya is just checking things with help of Ishitha as Neil is not leaving Avni hands for a second .

Parth :-   DD , Neil as said me yesterday you guys found three goons who were taking pictures of Avuu .

DD :-  Ha Parth , from now on they will be working for us .

Parth :-  Yeah , Neil said me . Did they gave any news till now !

DD :-  No yaar .

Parth :-  What ! They didn't gave any news till how ! Can we trust them really DD .!

DD :-  Yes Parth , all their families and life are in our hand . They don't have any  other option either then helping us Parth .

Parth :-  If so DD , why did they didn't give any news till now . How much I knew Karam from Kushi , Karam is not the one who will keep quite after flopping his plan .
He is definetly upto something DD .
Do you really think DD , Karam will do nothing knowing today is Neil birthday and giving a grand party in Lonavla .

DD :-  You are right Parth but don't worry . We have a tight security around .
Also Neil bhai said to contact anyone goon if they don't contact us saying anything .
Parth bhai , not only you but also Neil bhai have the same doubt Karam will not keep quite .
Leave it to me everything is settled .

Parth :- Yet we have to be carefull DD . I will be with family , you ask bodyguards to check each staff and also ask them to see if food are fine to eat or not .
We can't trust anyone today DD , even if they are our own house staff .

Alekya :-  What are you guys are doing here , Neil is about to cut the cake .
Come on .

DD :-  Yeah Mam we are on the way .

Alekya :- DD....if you don't stop your overactions now then I will say to Neil and Avni about your love story .
Neil doesn't mind it but Avni does .
You know right , the one who you love is none other then Avni ,P.A .Sunheri .

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