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6-months later.

Neil :- DD...what the hell you are giving me !
How many times I have told you not to give me black coffee but normal milk one.

DD :-  Sorry sir.
Sunheri said not to give you normal milk coffee.

Neil :- Where is Sunheri ?

Sunheri :- Am here sir.

Neil :-  What are you Sunheri ,
Avni P.A or mine ?

Sunheri :-  Sir !

Neil :- Answer me Sunheri .

Sunheri :-  Avni Mam's sir.

Neil :- Then who allowed you to take decisions for me being in my office !
Have I asked for it ?

Sunheri :-  Sorry sir...but it's Avni Mam's order.

Neil :-  You are assistant of Avni's but not mine.
This is my office and only my rules and regulations are going to follow here not anyone's else.
Am I clear.

Sunheri :- Sir but Avni mam...

Neil :- Go and say to your Avni Mam, I will do what I want to do.
It's my life my wish.
Go and say to her.

Sunheri :-  But sir Mam is worried about your health,
It's not good for you Sir.

Neil :-  DD..,I want my milk coffee strong wala on my dest in 7-mins.
Got that.

DD :- Yes bhai.
Sunheri, lets leave.

Neil :- Don't forget to say to your Avni Mam, Sunheri that I had drank Milk strong coffee that to a whole cup.

Sunheri :- Sure sir.

Saying Sunheri left the cabin with sad expression
while DD ordering Neil's milk coffee came back to Neil's cabin only to see Neil standing infront of huge glass window staring nothing at particular...

DD :-  Bhai,...why are you behaving like this !
Bhabhi is saying for your own good .

Neil :- Don't say me what to do and not to do DD.
If she is happy in her own place by restricting me to do anything than...
am no less either.

DD :-  Stop being angry on Bhabhi, bhai.
She doesn't deserve it.

Neil :- Nor, I deserve the saddness.,
Which I am going through now DD.
Suffering is very painfull and lonely DD,
It's way more personal.
Let me suffer .

DD :- Bhabhi will not be happy seeing you in this state Bhai.

Neil :-  Do I look happy to you DD ?

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