Chapter 20

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           A week later Cassie had decided that it was time to go pick out a Christmas tree for the hotel. She was dressed in jeans and a warm sweater and tennis shoes. She loved hunting for the Christmas tree. She was asking who all wanted to go with her. She also told everyone who was staying at the hotel now that they could also put their own trees in their rooms if they wanted. If they were going at a later date to get trees, she wrote down directions to the tree farm. The hotel wasn't very busy in December. Cassie was secretly glad that December was a slow month for them. Adam said that he would go, as well as all of Home Free and their ladies. Melissa had some work to do so she and her husband stayed behind while Megan and Cody went along.  Cassie drove one SUV while Megan drove the other one. Everyone also wanted a small tree for their rooms. Kelsey saw a craft table and took Lydia to check it out. The owners had cups of hot chocolate for all of the customers. Adam went with Cassie to find the big tree for the hotel. He made a few attempts to pull her out of sight to try and make out with her. She only laughed and told him to behave himself. Adam pouted, making her laugh harder until he tried to chase her. That turned into a game of hide and seek among all the trees. Everyone saw them and decided to join in. After having a ball they got back to the task at hand. Finding trees. After a little more searching, Cassie found the tree. Adam helped cut it down and they drug it back to the vehicle. The other couples had each found small trees for their room. Adam wanted to get another for his room so he went back to find one more. Cassie waited, drinking some hot chocolate. Less than a half hour later Adam came back with another tree. Next came the difficult task of loading up the trees. They finally managed and headed back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, the trees were unloaded and stored in the garage. Cassie had to get everything down from the attic first. After a quick lunch, Adam and Megan offered to get the Christmas decorations down for her. Sami and Chance also helped. Adam wanted to talk to Megan without her mom around. They talked as they took boxes down the attic stairs to set near the elevator door.

        "Megan, can I talk to you about something?"

       "Sure Adam. What's up?"

        "I'm trying to figure out what to get your mom for Christmas. I have no idea what to get her. We have only known each other for a little over a month and that she is still technically married. Do you think that it would be inappropriate to get her a promise ring or something like that?"

       "Adam, she would love that. My dad would never buy her anything. Everything she has, she bought for herself when he wasn't here. You know, Adam, I have never seen her this happy, ever. She always tried to hide everything when she was raising me. She truly loves you. It's going to be hard on you when you guys leave."

         "That's another thing that I have been thinking about. Do you think that she would ever consider going on the road with me once in awhile? I know that she has to run this place and I will come out during every break I get."

         "Oh, I think that she could be persuaded. She has given me more responsibility here. She would enjoy getting to be with you out there. And maybe, just maybe, I will have a new father some day."

        "That is a very strong possibility, young lady. If she will have me. It's too soon to ask her right now. I can't very well ask a married woman to marry me, can I?"

        "But you can jump into bed with her, huh?" They heard come from Tim, who was standing by his door listening to them.

         "Shut up, Tim. My mom is a good woman. She may have his last name but that's about how married she is."

        "I was only teasing, miss feisty pants. We all saw how it was when we first got here. Just think, I could be your uncle some day."

       "Oh, heaven help me when that happens," Megan snorted. Jenika overheard and cracked up, as did Adam and Chance.

      "Better watch out, Tim. This little one is just as protective of her mom as I am. Now, Megan, will you help me pick out a present for her this week?" 

        "You bet I will. And it will be the perfect gift."

       As they were loading up the elevator, Cassie was talking to Oleana and Kelsey in the lobby.

            "Ladies, what should I get Adam for Christmas? You have known him longer than I have."

           "Well, Cassie, we have actually been talking. We know that your divorce is almost final and how close you and Adam have gotten since we got here. I know that he wants to stay in your life even when touring picks back up. What about a man's promise ring? I know it sounds a little cheesy, but appropriate since you have only been a short time. We can help you pick it out."

         "Do you think that he would like it? You don't think it's to soon?"

       Kelsey patted her on the hand. "Just follow your heart for the first time in your life. We all can see how you feel about each other. Think of it as a promise to be faithful to each other when you have to be apart." She sees the others getting off the elevator with all of the Christmas decorations. 

         "Here you go, mom. Let's dig out the tree stands, first. Then all the strings of lights to test them. Then we can delegate jobs to everyone." Megan told her making Tim and Adam laugh.

          "Boy, Cassie, she is starting to get a little bossy, don't you think?" Tim asked, making Megan stick her tongue out at him.

         "Well, she is my daughter, Tim. She will be running this place some day. What better way to start than to tell a few tall, handsome strong men what to do?" Cassie said, making the other women smile in agreement. Adam squeezed her waist and kissed her cheek. After a quick bite to eat, everyone got to work in decorating. Adam and Cassie worked on the tree in the lobby-lounge area. Tim and Austin handled outside and everyone divided into groups and did all the other rooms. The staff did the hallways again. Everyone cheered as Cassie plugged in the lights on the tree and Megan plugged in the lights outside. Everything turned out beautiful. Adam said that they could decorate his suite after dinner. People were hungry and tired after a long and fun day in getting everything decorated. Adam carried his smaller tree to his suite. Cassie carried some of the decorations that Adam had wanted to use. He also planned on buying a couple in town that would remind him of this Christmas. After he set the tree in its stand, he poured them each a drink. 

         "I had a lot of fun today. It was fun decorating with you. Let's finish this tree and then we can relax for the rest of the evening." They set their drinks down and put the lights on the tree, followed by the other decorations. Adam plugged in the lights and they sat down to admire the tree. Then Adam pulled some mistletoe out of his pocket and held it up over her head. "I believe the tradition is that if you are under mistletoe, you have to be kissed." She giggled at him as he gave her a sweet kiss. "I think I know the perfect place to hang this. Right above the bed."

         "You are so cheesy, but I love you anyway." She straddled his lap and cupped his face before giving him a kiss. He circled his arms around her, just enjoying holding her to him like that.

           "What would you think about me getting my hair cut?" He asked suddenly.

          "I think you look great either way. You look hot no matter if your hair is long or short. I know from experience that shorter hair is so much easier to deal with. I hate having my hair get into my eyes."

         "And I like being able to see your eyes. I would like it better if I could see what is under your sweater."

         "You know what I feel like doing? Putting on that leather outfit you gave me. How does that sound?"

        "Ooh. I love that idea. It's been awhile since I gave that to you. Let me hook your tablet up to the tv while you put that on." She got him her table so that he could play their own personal porn. He snickered to himself when the called themselves a couple of perverts. She had been nervous admitting to him about this side of her. He loved it because he was the same way. They were definitely the perfect pair.

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