Chapter 32

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            The next day, Adam got out of bed early to make Cassie breakfast in bed for her birthday. He set the french toast, scrambled eggs and sausage with her coffee on a tray and carried it into the bedroom. She was still sleeping. Her hair was going in every direction making her look younger than she was. He set the tray down on the bed and leaned over to kiss her good morning. 

           "Time to wake up, sleepyhead," he said as she stirred awake. "Happy birthday, love." He waited for her to sit up against the pillows before setting the tray of food across her lap.

         "Thank you, Adam. This already is the best birthday I have ever had." She took a sip of her coffee and started eating. She loved french toast. It was her favorite breakfast. "So, what are we going to do today?"

          "Anything you want to. You are the birthday girl." He watched her lick some powdered sugar off of her lips. "You missed a spot." He leaned over and licked some off of her lip. He saw a look of mischief come into her eyes. She took another bite that had a lot of the sugar on it, causing some powdered sugar to fall on her chest. 

          "I seem to have accidentally dropped some more powdered sugar on me." She had done it accidentally on purpose. "I don't seem to have a napkin." She pretended to look for one.

           "Well, I guess I will just have to get that off you before you get powdered sugar all over the bed." He leaned over and licked the sugar off of her chest. "Maybe I should feed you your breakfast before you start wearing all of it." He sat down and picked up her fork. He tried to focus on feeding her but she was making it very difficult for him. From the way she would open her mouth for the food to the way she would lick the fork. After he finally got her to eat her breakfast, he moved the tray and attacked her lips. "You were trying to drive me crazy on purpose. Well, birthday girl, your turn now." He spent the next hour making her climb the walls with his hands and mouth.

           It was much later when the decided to go for a walk in the snow. Cassie looked adorable bundled up in her warm clothes and jacked. When she wasn't looking, Adam grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at her. He laughed at her shocked expression.

             "I'm going to get you for that, Adam." She picked up some snow and threw it at him, missing her shot. She started chasing after him.  The snow was a little deep and not easy to run in. When she fell face first into the snow, Adam couldn't stop laughing. She sat up and glared at him. "It's not funny."

            "Oh yes it is. You look good covered in snow."  He went over to help her up.

         Cassie smirked to herself as she thought of a way to get even. As he leaned over to help her up, she yanked on his arm hard and pulled him into the snow. She then grabbed a handful and smashed it into his face.

          "Who's laughing now?" She tried to stand up but he pinned her down. He started tickling her until she begged for mercy. They were both laughing so hard. Adam looked into her blue eyes that were sparkling with laughter. Adam then leaned down to kiss her lips.

            "My god, Cassie, you are so beautiful. Even covered in snow." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up out of the snow. He felt her shiver a little. "Cold?" She nodded. "Well, then let's get you inside where it is warmer."

          That night Adam had set up a romantic dinner for Cassie. He was feeling very nervous. Cassie had noticed this and was curious about it. Adam got up and knelt before her, pulling out the ring.

       "Cassie, you have come to mean so much to me. I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?" Adam watches as tears fill her eyes before throwing herself into his arms, knocking him backwards onto the floor. "Shall I take that as a yes?"

         "Yes, yes yes! Oh my god. I love you so much Adam. You have made me the happiest woman on the planet." She start so showering his face with kisses. "I don't know if I want to finish eating or make love to you right here," she says making him laugh.

         "Let's finish eating, love. Then you can take advantage of me afterwards." He gives her a kiss, making no effort to get off the floor while she is laying on top of him. He feels himself get hard. "On second thought, I think I would rather have you right now." He puts his hand into her hair and brings her mouth to his before rolling her over. "I don't think that I will ever get enough of you, Cassie." He proceeded to take her right there on the floor.

         The next day Adam and Cassie left to go back home. Adam remembered that Valentine's Day was just in two more days and wanted to do something for her.

        "You don't need to do anything for me for Valentine's Day, Adam. You already made this the best birthday for me. I've never liked Valentine's Day, anyways." She told him while they were driving back.

         "Oh? Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?" He kept his eyes on the road as they talked. He saw her shrug out of the corner of his eye.

         "Well, before I met Stephen I had dated this guy for three months. He dumped me on Valentine's Day. I haven't had a good one since then."

        Adam took her hand as he drove. "That's all going to change now. You have me. I will do everything I can to make you feel loved and wanted."

         "You already do that. You make me feel alive again. If somebody told me a few months ago that I would meet you and that you would fall in love with me, I would've told them that they were delusional. Just trying to imagine that Adam Rupp would want someone like me just didn't seem real or possible. Yet here I am engaged to you." She lifted his hand and kissed it. "Thank you for taking me to the snow. It was wonderful. I have to admit, though, that it will be nice getting back to where it is a little warmer."

        "You're welcome, my love. I hope you will come with me when we go on tour. At least for awhile. I know that you still have to run the hotel."

         "I think that I can work something out with the boss." She told him, making him laugh. She would figure out a way to split her time between the hotel and being with Adam. They talked about the future and sang along to the music that they were listening to. It was early evening when they made it back to the hotel.

        "It feels good to be back. If it's okay with you, I would like this to still be our home after we are married. That way when you can't be with me, you will still be around family. And I just love the place." Adam had grabbed their suitcases out of the suv. They heard yelling when they opened the door. "I wonder what's going on." They soon saw Tim running from Megan, who had cake all over her.

         "Get back here, old man. I'm going to get you for that." She chased him around the lobby.

         "Oh my god," Cassie said through laughter. "What is going on here?" She had to lean on Adam because she was laughing so hard. So was Adam. The two stopped in their tracks.

         "Mom! You're back. Tim thought that it would be funny to push my face down into my cake that I was eating for dessert. Let me kill him. Please!"

         "You have to catch me first, little girl." Tim's back was to the dining room and hadn't seen Jenika coming up behind him with a whole pie. 

         "Tim, honey, that wasn't very nice." Tim turned around upon hearing her voice. She then pushed the whole pie into his face before walking over to Adam and Cassie. "These two have been at it since you left. How was the trip?"

         "It was wonderful. She said yes." Adam smiled as Jenika pulled her into a hug.

          "I'm so happy for you both. I knew she would say yes, Adam." Megan came over to hug them, getting cake on them. She laughed when she realized that she had gotten cake all over them. Adam and Cassie walked into the dining room and were greeted by their friends. They all had a drink to celebrate the engagement before Adam and Cassie headed upstairs. Adam laughed as Megan kept shooting daggers at Tim whenever she looked at him. He only shook his head thinking that Tim was in for a world of hurt when Megan got ahold of him. He was soon taking Cassie upstairs and locking the rest of the world out.

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