Chapter 24

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          "Merry Christmas, love," Adam said as he handed her a cup of coffee with peppermint ice cream in it. She walked into the living room wearing a robe and sat down. He took the rest of the presents out from under the tree and separated theirs from the ones she was taking downstairs later. They opened their gifts to each other. He loved the framed photo of her in the leather outfit. That would be kept in his bunk area when he went back on tour. She had him help put the matching necklace on as she did the bracelet.

        "These are so beautiful, Adam. You didn't have to do this for me. Just having you is present enough." She had tears in her eyes. When one slid down her cheek, he wiped it away with his thumb. He leaned over and kissed her gently.

         "No tears today. You deserve so much more than I have given you already. Now let's get dressed. I'm going to wear this sweater today. I like this shade of blue that you picked out." They went and got dressed for the day. Cassie loved getting dressed up for the holidays. She looked lovely in black slacks and a soft violet cashmere sweater. He also wore dress slacks with his blue sweater. She thought that it looked amazing on him.

        "Well, look at you, you stud. I knew that sweater would look good on you. I don't know if I want to go downstairs now." He laughed as he helped her carry everything downstairs. When they got to the lobby, they were greeted by everyone. It was pretty much just Home Free, Cassie and Megan, Melissa, Alex and Cody and the staff at the hotel with maybe just a handful of people that came down for brunch before going back to their rooms to spend the holiday in private. Cassie and Adam put the gifts under the tree and entered the dining room. The brunch was already laid out with some pitchers of eggnog and a bottle of brandy. Adam got a plate for them both and two cups of the holiday drink. He brought them to the table. Megan came over to hug her mom. She saw the jewelry that she was wearing. She smiled at Adam.

         "I told you that she would love them, Adam."

         "So that's what you two were doing when you went out together that day. My daughter knows me well. Merry Christmas, sweetheart."

          "Merry Christmas, mom, Adam." She gave them both a hug before joining Cody at a table. Each couple was sitting at their own tables.

         "This is really good, Cassie. I've never had something like this before," Adam said as he ate the breakfast dish.

         "It something that we had for breakfast every year for as long as I can remember. We used to go to Berkeley, where my great grandma lived, for Christmas when I was little. I used to sneak into the kitchen and sample the food. I was younger than ten years old." Adam laughed at the image he had in his head. After everyone was done eating and drinks had been refilled, they headed out to pass out gifts for everyone. Cassie had gotten things for everyone. Things like earrings or chocolate for Jenika, scarves, things that would remind them all of their trip to Mendocino. The last thing she gave Megan was the legal document giving her partial ownership and partnership for the hotel.

         "You have shown me that you are ready for this now." Megan teared up as her mom hugged her. She had wanted to make her mom proud, since her mom had always been the one to encourage her. It had always been just the two of them until Home Free came to the hotel and made everything better.

        "I won't let you down mom. This means the world to me."

        "Cassie, I haven't given my present to Megan, yet. I haven't had a chance to ask your permission yet but after talking with my mom and hearing how the two of you had always wanted us to be together, I would like to do this in front of you." Cassie and Adam watched as Cody got onto one knee, taking a box out of his pocket and opened it. "Megan, we have known each other since we were kids. I've been in love with you since middle school. Would you marry me?" He took the diamond engagement ring and slipped it onto her finger. Megan threw herself into his arms, crying. Cassie was crying, too. She was hoping this would happen some day. The room burst out with cheers of congratulations to the young couple. Adam told Cody that he better treat her right or that he and Tim would come after him. Adam squeezed Cody's shoulder as he just winked at Megan. 

        Tim came over and slapped Cody on the back. He smiled at Megan as he told Cody the same thing. Knowing that there really wasn't anything to worry about. The rest of the day was spent visiting with each other, drinking and just having a good time. Everyone liked the rings that Cassie and Adam had given each other. Kelsey had gotten the breakfast recipe from her to make at home sometime. She said that Rob had really liked it. Megan entertained Lydia for awhile. Adam sat back with his arm around Cassie's waist as he watched his friends in the room. He was thinking about how his life had changed literally over night when Cassie was offered up to him. How he had fallen so hard for her in such a short time. He now knew that he wanted a future with her. Her birthday was coming up in February. He would need Megan's help again for what he had planned. He looked over at the woman sitting next to him, talking with Oleana and Austin. She was so much more at ease and relaxed than she had been two months ago. She was finally free of Stephen legally. She was also having her last name changed back to her maiden name, LeClaire. Cassie LeClaire. He liked that much better than Cassie Ray. He hoped that someday it would be Cassie Rupp. He would find out in February, if he could wait that long. After awhile she excused herself to put everything in the oven. People were getting hungry again. About an hour later everyone was back in the dining room ready to eat. This time everyone sat at a very long table. Cassie stood up to make a speech.

        "I just wanted to thank Adam and the rest of Home Free for making this the best Christmas that I have ever had." She looked down at Adam. "Without you I never would've had the courage to change my life to what it should've been at the beginning. I now know what love feels like. You have brought that into my life." Everyone cheered as she was pulled down onto Adam's lap. Megan stood up next.

         "I want to thank Adam for making my mom so incredibly happy. She would act happy for my benefit when I was younger but I knew it was all an act. Yes, mom, I knew. Even though you tried to protect me from the unhappiness. Being both mother and father to me. I now have a substitute father in Adam and a few honorary uncles. Even Tim." She smirked at Tim as the others cracked up, knowing how the two liked to give each other a hard time.

        Adam got up next. "Cassie, you welcomed us into your home and your lives. I know mine will never be the same again." He took her hand in his. "Last night we made a promise to each other. I fully intend to keep that promise." He sat back down and everyone started eating. When the dessert was brought out, both Cassie and Jenika licked their lips. It was chocolate ice cream pie with a rice crispy pie crust . It was another family recipe that she gave Kelsey and Jenika. Adam only shook his head as she took care of that sweet tooth of hers. That woman would live off chocolate if she could. When he told her that she only shrugged.

        "I think chocolate should be a major food group. You have dairy in it. Sugar and cocoa is naturally grown therefore chocolate is good for you." Adam cracked up at her silly reasoning. She was just something else, sometimes. Tim snickered when Jenika agreed with her.

        "What are we going  to do with these two, Tim?" He asked.

       "Keep us supplied with chocolate and you can't go wrong," Jenika replied, causing Cassie to snort with laughter this time.

         "I just had the craziest idea pop into my hear, Jenika."

        "Oh, lord, do I even want to hear this?" Adam asked. He noticed that she was getting a little tipsy from all of the eggnog and brandy she had drank throughout the day. She was also on her fifth glass of wine.

        "Just think, if you will, chocolate men. Covering them with tons of chocolate would make them more appetizing, don't you think?" She asked Jenika. Jenika's eyes sparkled with laughter as she played along with her, knowing she was just trying to get a reaction out of Adam. Jenika sat there thoughtfully for a second.

        "You aren't seriously considering this, are you, dear?" Tim asked.

       "You know what, Cassie? I like that idea the more I think about it."

       "God help us Tim. I think that we are in for an interesting time later." Adam was willing to play along. "Think about it, Tim. Think about the possibilities." He winked at Tim as realization hit him. Then a big grin appeared on Tim's face.

        "How much chocolate syrup do you have in the kitchen, Cassie?" Tim asked her.

         "Tons of it. Take as much as you want. I'm going to." Adam couldn't wait to get back upstairs.

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