Chapter 1

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            A/N:  The cities are real but the resort is fictional. While most of this is fantasy, some things that the heroine goes through are based on some experiences(mainly the verbal abuse she has to deal with). Many don't realize that verbal abuse is just as bad, if not worse, than physical abuse.  Some of this story will contain physical abuse but it's for storyline purposes. If anyone has an issue with that, then this story isn't for you. This story will also contain sexual situations, language, and some mild violence.

           As their tour bus entered the coastal town of Mendocino, Adam sat looking out the window. He liked the way the town was situated directly across the highway from the Pacific Ocean. The bus went up the highway a little bit before turning onto a graveled driveway winding up a hill. Sitting on a bluff was a beautiful white hotel that looked like a mansion. It was called Mendocino's Coastal Resort. When the bus came to a stop, everyone disembarked. Adam wished that Rob had come because he liked coastal towns. Rob had decided to spend the time at home with his wife and child. Adam had been divorced for a few months now and was looking forward to a winter in the sunshine state. Usually they went to Southern California when they traveled here. Everyone else brought their significant others with them. Adam started feeling like a third wheel but shrugged it off. At least he wouldn't have to room with anyone. They went inside and were greeted by the resort's owner.

       "Hello, welcome to Mendocino's Coastal Resort.  My name is Stephen Ray. You can go up to the desk there where you can get your keys. We have a couple of suites reserved for you." He led them to the front desk where a pretty blonde stood. She smiled, even though the smile didn't reach her eyes. Adam noticed the wedding ring on her finger and sighed. It figured, he thought. She was cute. Too bad she was married. Then what he heard next shocked him.

        "Cassie, you dumb bitch, hand them their keys." He turned to face the group. "This is my sorry excuse of a wife, Cassie. If there is anything you need at all, just call her and she will do it." He said, then whispered so low that only Adam had heard it. "If she knows what's good for her."

      Adam noticed that she flinched slightly when her husband accidentally brushed against her. Hmm, he thought, something isn't right here. They took the keys and followed her to the elevators. She explained that the suites were on the top floor and that they would be the only ones on that floor. Adam also noticed that she wouldn't look anyone in the eye.

        When they reached the fourth floor, everyone got out of the elevator. She opened each suite for them. Adam was happy to have his own. He was the last one to be shown to his. She led him inside and showed him the amazing view he had from a large balcony.

         "If there is anything you need, Mr. Rupp, just call down to the desk. I'm always there during the day." She turned to leave the room. He reached out and touched her arm, causing her to freeze.  She wouldn't look at him, he noticed.

       "Please, call me Adam," he said.

        "I couldn't do that, it's against the rules for me to call anyone by their first name." With that, she practically ran to the elevator, like she couldn't get away fast enough.

       Adam checked out the rest of the suite. It was pretty large. The bathroom really impressed him. The shower had a few shower heads at different angles. There was even a hot tub on one side of the bedroom. He stepped onto the balcony and checked out the view. He could hear the waves crashing below the bluffs. He went into the main room and saw that there was a mini bar set up. He poured himself a shot and sat down. He thought about the couple that owned this place. The man seemed nice at first. After the way he talked to his wife, Adam now thought that he was an asshole. He couldn't understand why some men thought that it was ok to treat people like that. Regardless if you are married to them or not. And definitely not in front of others. It had to have been embarrassing for her. He felt bad for her. She definitely wasn't happy in her marriage. He was going to keep an eye open for signs. She definitely could use a friend, at least. Surely the husband wasn't always around. He decided to go see if this place had a fitness center. He put on some shorts and went downstairs. He didn't know that the others had noticed the hostile attitude from Stephen earlier. They were also concerned about the woman.

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