Chapter 28

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            Joan woke up Adam to warm him that the doctor would be coming in soon. He thanked her for her kindness. She smiled and said anytime. Adam got back in his chair and just held her hand. He kept talking to her as if she could hear him. 

          "Sweetheart,  please wake up soon. I need you to come back to me."  He put his head down as he let a couple of tears escape. He felt her hand twitch a little, causing him to look up. He watched as her eyes slowly opened.

           "Adam?" Her voice sounded so hoarse.

         He stood up. "I'm here, love. I'm right here. Let me get a nurse. Don't try to move yet." He went into the hallway and called for Joan, who came running. "She's awake, Joan, she's awake." He swung the nurse around, making her squeal.

          "Put me down. This old heart can't take that kind of excitement." She laughed. "Ok, let me see. Welcome back to the land of the living, dear. You have got a wonderful young man waiting here for you. Let me check everything." She checked her vitals again, saying that they were excellent. "The doctor will be in here soon. Would you like some water?" Cassie tried to nod her head. The nurse got her some water and helped her drink a little. Then she adjusted the bed so that Cassie was propped up a little. "You are one lucky lady." She then turned to Adam. "If I were thirty years younger, sir." She then laughed as Adam winked at her. She left the two alone. 

          Adam sat down and took Cassie's hand again, kissing it. He was so happy to have her awake again. He had tears of joy slipping down his cheeks.

          "Don't cry. I'll be ok."

          "These are tears of joy, love. I've been waiting for you to wake up. I know some other people that are going to be happy that you are awake." The doctor came into the room after that.

           "Hello, Cassie. I'm Doctor Ford. I heard that you were awake. I'm just going to check on your stitches." He removed the bandages and checked the wounds. He put on fresh bandages. "Everything is healing nicely. You should be able to go home tomorrow. I want you to try walking a little today to see how you do. If the pain is too much to handle, you will have to stay longer." She nodded in understanding. Adam had sent a text to Megan, telling her that Cassie was awake. The doctor left the room and Adam sat back down. He was so happy right now. She had to eat some breakfast. They only gave her some eggs and toast, telling her it had to be something light to see how her stomach handled it because of the medication. She grumbled a little. About an hour later, they heard a commotion out in the hallway. Adam got up to see what was going on. The Home Free brigade had arrived, carrying bouquets of flowers and cards and chocolates. Cassie eyed one of the boxes of chocolates hungrily. Megan leaned over and gently hugged her mom, crying. They were all happy to see her awake.

         "You need to come back soon, Cassie. Megan won't allow me out of my room," Tim had told her. She started to laugh but it caused some pain. "Sorry, Cassie. I forgot that laughing could hurt you. I was just trying to cheer you up a little." Tim at felt bad that she was in pain.

         "It's ok, Tim. Everything  I do is going to cause a little pain when I get home. The doctor said that the stitches are healing good. If I can move around ok today and hold food down, I should be able to go home tomorrow. Now open up a box of chocolate and let me have a piece."

         "Well, I think that she is going to be ok, Adam, if she is demanding her chocolate." Chance laughed as she grabbed the box from Tim and started eating. "Sami also brought some clothes for you to change into tomorrow, Cassie." 

        Sami leaned over and set the bag down. She whispered into Cassie's ear. "I saw that leather outfit in the closet. Can I borrow it sometime?" Cassie nodded to her, glad that she washed it after she wore it. Adam looked at her questioningly and Cassie mouthed later. They all stayed awhile, happy that Cassie was going to be ok. The doctor had come in and said that Cassie was looking a little tired and that she needed to get some rest if she wanted to leave the next day. Everyone said their goodbyes, except for Adam. Adam refused to leave her side. The doctor checked everything, please with how well she was doing. 

          "Everything looks good, Cassie. You are healing very nicely, young lady." She started snickering when he called her that.

        "Nobody has called me a young lady in years, Doc. Thanks for that. You just made my day." The doctor smiled as he left the room.

         "Did I just watch my girl flirting with Dr. Harrison Ford? Right in front of me?" Adam tried to look mad but couldn't help the smile come across his face.

         "I wouldn't do that to you. It really has been years since someone called me that. Besides, you are much more better looking." She looked at him with mischief in her eyes. "Sami wants to borrow my leather outfit. That was what she whispered to me. I think my secret is about to be discovered."

          "I think one of our secrets have been discovered, love." Adam started to blush a little before continuing. "I had Tim check the footage that night. He went back a little farther than he should have and saw the part with your face in my lap."

        "Oh, no. That is embarrassing." Now she had turned red. It also perversely turned her on. She was a little ashamed of the thoughts going through her head. Adam had seen her thoughts fly over her face. God, she was so transparent. He hid his smile by turning his head. The same thought sort of crossed his mind. How would it be if they knew someone was watching? Not exactly right there, but secretly being observed. Would that heighten the excitement? He felt himself harden at the thought and quickly adjusted himself. Not something to think about in a hospital. She looked over at him and noticed that he was shifting uncomfortably. "Are you ok, Adam?"

           "I will be if I can get my mind out of the gutter. Sorry, love, was just daydreaming about something very wicked."

        "Oh? Want to tell me about it? Maybe it was similar to what I was thinking." She had started to be able to read certain things about Adam as well. Just as he was a able to tap into hidden desires that she didn't know she had. He made her want to be naughty. She never knew that she had a little bit of a freaky side until he came along. They definitely had fun discovering it. He was equally freaky. She smiled up at him with a look in her eyes that made him want to pounce into action. He had to remind himself that she was in no condition for that.

           "I think that will have to wait until you get home and are a little more recovered." He watched her adorable pout appear on her lips. "That isn't going to work right now, love." He picked up her hand and kissed it, before getting serious. "In all seriousness, Cassie, you had me scared that I was going to lose you. We took care of the two other idiots already." He told them what they had did the day before. He saw the look of worry flash across her face. "Love, what happened doesn't change anything. It wasn't your fault. He was touching you forcefully. I saw you trying to fight back." He wanted nothing more than to reassure her that he loved her but this wasn't the place. "Get some rest. I'll be right here when you wake up." He held her hand as she drifted off again. The rest of the day went quickly. Adam helped her walk up and down the hallway. The pain wasn't too bad for her. They were very optimistic about her release the next day. He kept the conversation light the rest of the day. He wanted to have her back home. The doctor came in one more time before going home.

        "Well, Cassie, I've got some great news," he said after examining her again. "It looks like you will be going home in the morning." He then turns to Adam. "There are going to be a few nurses sad to see you leaving." Cassie have him a look hearing this. The doctor left after that.

        "The nurses, huh? What exactly happened when I was out?"

        Adam smiled at her jealousy. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about, love. The only one that talked to me was Joan, the older nurse. She actually allowed me to lay in bed with you last night. I owe her one for that." He couldn't believe that Cassie actual got jealous. He hadn't even noticed any of the other nurses. His focus had been on Cassie. "I'm going to call Chance and have him pick us up in the morning." He called Chance to talk to him. Chance had said that he would be there. 

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