Chapter Four

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10th January 2014


"Baby, stay a little longer," I sigh as Sadie holds onto my arm.

Dropping back onto the bed and laying back down as she cuddles into me. "I have things to do Sadie,"

"You always have things to do," She pouts.

"I'm a busy person,"

"Just stay ten more minutes then," She cuddles me closer but I remain still.

"Ten more minutes."

. . .

We both got dressed together, she tried to shower with me but I jumped out before she could, I just wasn't in the mood for her today.

"I really do love these jumpers you bought me for my birthday Harry," She smiles spreading all three out. "And the necklace,"

I nod, my throat tight just thinking about Harper. "Yeah, you're welcome."

. . .


I wasn't awoken this morning to a toddler jumping on my stomach, I was actually woken up peacefully by the sun.

Smiling and turning over, I stretch my arms and legs before checking the time. 9am.

My mum would be dropping Sienna back in half an hour as she has some kind of book club meeting - I never fully listened to when she rambled on about them.

Putting on my dressing gown and slippers I head downstairs to make myself a coffee and prepare the ingredients for my vitamin shake.

Dancing along to the tv as I tidied around, the doorbell went.

Answering the door, I smile as my mum walks in with Sienna handing me her overnight bag.

"She was an angel all part from this morning when she wouldn't eat her cereal,"

I frown picking Sienna up. "Why didn't you eat your breakfast?"

"No like it mummy,"

I kissed her cheek before turning to my mum. "What was it?"


I roll my eyes. "She's not going to eat muesli,"

"Not if you say it like that," Mum sighs. "She's so fussy it took me ages to find something she would eat,"

"What did she settle with?"

"A banana,"

I frown at Sienna. "You can't just have a banana, your bones won't be strong,"

She pouts. "I no like nannies bek-fast."

I sigh thanking my mum again giving her a hug. "I'll give you a call tomorrow or something,"

My mum smiles walking to her car. "No problem, love you both."

Sienna and I wave as she drives off before we shut the door heading inside.

"Sienna bek-fast?" She asks as we head into the kitchen.

"Of course, then we're going to see Harry later."

She looks at me as if to say 'who?' as I put her in her highchair.

Handing Sienna her cereal, my phone begins to ring.


"Hi sissy,"

"Hi Saffron you do know it's nearly 10am on a saturday,"

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