Chapter One

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Hey guys! Here's chapter one for you, hope you enjoy it. Remember to vote & comment <3

. . .

5th January 2014.


It was cold, dark, miserable and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep for another few days.

But instead I was awoken by an excitable two year old who wanted to go to nursery right this second.

"Alright, alright. I'm awake." I laugh as Sienna jumps on me a little more. She didn't sleep too well last night so I allowed her into my bed.

"Bek-fast, Bek-fast."

"Are you hungry?"

She nods as I sit up and kiss her forehead, moving some of her crazy curls out of the way.

Heading downstairs I sit her in her high chair before preparing some cereal, I make myself some granola and a vitamin shake.

Once breakfast is finished, I bathe Sienna before dressing her and putting her hair in two cute bows. She was only going to nursery, but I still liked her to look cute. My mum agreed to pick her up afterwards as I had a late shift, thankfully my mum enjoyed being a grandmother and encouraged me to work as much as possible just so she could spend time with Sienna.

"All ready," I smile watching Sienna pick up a colouring book. I sit her on my bed with the book as Peppa Pig comes on on tv before heading for the shower to get myself ready for the day.

. . .

Working in the boutique varies from day to day. Sometimes I loved it, others I despised it and couldn't wait to go home and cuddle with Sienna.

Sometimes it was really busy, customers demanding an assistant to pick out clothes, sometimes it was so quiet I rearranged all of the shelves.

Today, it had been quiet but I was happy. A headache had plagued my brain and it was only Gina and I working, Kellie is sick, Chloe is on holiday and Sarah doesn't work Mondays.

"What time are you on 'til?" I ask Gina.


I nod, Julianna our boss was pretty fair with schedules, I was on until it closed at six. I was assistant manager so only I could open or close the shop.

Once four came around Gina bid me fair well with her trench coat fastened tight and glove-clad hands clasped together ready to face the bitter wind.

I checked stock out the back, a few teenagers came to have a look around, one buying a boys shirt. I didn't want to judge her but couldn't help but wonder why she was buying a guys shirt.

"My boyfriend's birthday," She smiled.

I nod. "A nice gift." I reply.

"Thanks," She blushes.

I hand her the bag and say a friendly goodbye watching as she leaves with her friends.

At around five to six I start locking up and shutting things down ready to close, that was until I heard the door open.

"Sorry! We're closing now!" I stood up to find the new customer.

Spotting him I tap his shoulder. "Sorry we-"

Turning around he sends a small smile. "I'm sorry.. I've been busy and it's my sister's birthday tomorrow, I just need something."

I swallow completely in awe of his eyes.

"Could you please just help me with this one thing?"

My throat dry I slowly nod.

"Uh," I cough. "What does she like? What is she into?"

He shakes his head. "She likes dark colours,"

I nod. "Over here then, this is the pastel section."

I hear him follow me as I walk him over to the monotone section. "So we have jumpers here, shirts here, accessories over there. You could buy her a jumper and a necklace to match," I suggest.

"What would you want? You know, if it was your birthday.. or is it your birthday? I just assumed it wasn't but it could be and you're now staying late when you could be out celebrating-"

"It's not my birthday." I laugh. "I'm always off for my birthday - it's Christmas Eve."

"Oh, okay so.. now I look an idiot."

I smile. "I'll leave you to look."

I leave him alone as I finish prepping the shop for closure. Around twenty minutes later he walks over, three jumpers in his hands and a necklace.

"Nice choices," I compliment starting to scan them.

"Thanks, Harry by the way,"

I smile. As if I didn't know that already.

"Harper," I smile pointing to my name tag.

"Harper F?" He eyes.


"Nice surname," I laugh getting him a bag. "Thanks. What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

I mean he's Harry Styles, shouldn't he be in Shoreditch or SoHo? Not central London.

He shrugs. "I like to try out new places."

"Well," I smile handing him the bag. "I'm glad you did."

He takes the bag placing it by his feet. "Me too Harper,"

It was the way my name sounded on his lips that had me. I felt as if I could hear him say my name forever and I wouldn't get tired of it, ever.

After he paid he smiled picking up the bag. "Nice to meet you Harper,"

"You too Harry,"

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