Chapter Three

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9th January 2014


Despite working in a boutique, when it comes to finding an outfit for myself I was no good. At all.

I know Harry and I were only going for drinks but the pressure to wear something nice was too high, I mean where we were meeting was a high end bar, I couldn't just arrive in a t-shirt and jeans.

Finally deciding on something acceptable; I apply makeup and make sure my phone is fully charged, although I know Sienna is in the safe hands of my mum, you never know what might happen.

Sighing I nod as I look at myself one last time, I had half an hour to get across London, there was no going back now.

Walking to the tube, my phone began to ring.


"Harper! Babe, come out." Edie demanded.

I rolled my eyes. Edie was embracing being 20 and in law school. Although I didn't see her as much as I wished to, she was the only real close friend I had kept in touch with.

"I can't.. tonight."

"Boo you,"


"Wait, do you have a date?"

"Not a date-"

"Harper Fletcher do you have a date you saucey minx!?"

I roll my eyes. "No Edie-"

"What's his name? Is he tall? Do you think he'll be big? Shoe size?" She rambles off at a million miles an hour as I scan my Oyster and head for my platform.

"It's just a drink at a bar, nothing serious. Chill."

"I want all details tomorrow,"

"There won't be any details to tell-"

And just like that she ended the call. Sighing as my tube arrived I stepped on and sat myself beside a woman who looked as if she had had a long day in the office. Her red lipstick faded, kindle in her hand.

Arriving at the bar I wasn't sure whether to go inside or not, so I waited for 15 minutes before heading in, my toes were becoming numb.

Inside I immediately notice Harry off to the side in the dimly lit corner.

I sigh sitting opposite. "I wasn't sure whether to wait outside or not," I smile.

"Sorry I should have said, I came through the side entrance,"

I was about to ask why when I realised; He's Harry Styles, he can't just waltz in like everyone else.


"What have you got?" I ask looking at his glass.


"Uh cosmopolitan please,"

"Cocktail girl?" He raises his eyebrow in surprise as he stands.

I laugh. "Always."

When Harry returned with my drink he took a sip of his own before turning to me.

"So that daughter of yours.. she's a cutie."

I smile. "She is when she wants to be,"

"Must be hard work, balancing her and work,"

I nod. "Very but we get by. She just goes through stages where she's really difficult and I just don't get it, but children are a learning curve."

"She's really sweet though."

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