Forty Seven

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8th July


For some reason I felt anxious getting off the plane in Barcelona, I was anxious about the amount of people at the airport, and also if paparazzi would be lurking.

Anxiety isn't something I've ever had to deal with, I mean I know of people who have struggled with it for years, but I never have.

Recently however, I've felt the smallest things have been triggers for me. Anytime someone stares at me for a certain time on the street, or when Samantha emails me with a new offer. I didn't know if it was normal to feel like this, but I guess it must be when I'm starting a new career, it's a huge risk my job, I could either be rejected or accepted.

Walking out of arrivals and seeing Lou's smiling face with an excited Lux was enough for my anxiety to effervesce.

"Hey guys!" I smile hugging Lou before I try to hug Lux who was engulfed by Sienna, the two of them giggling.

"How was your flight?" Lou asks taking Sienna's luggage.

"Good but I'm going to tell Harry never to book me on a 6am flight, I've been awake with this excited bean since 3." Can I just add it is now 10:30am.

Lou laughs as the girls skip in front holding hands.

We get into the blacked out SUV before it pulls away and heads to wherever the boys are.

"How's Harry been?" I ask as the girls chat in the back, oblivious to us.

"He's been.. quiet," She answers thoughtfully.


She nods. "He's never had a girlfriend during tour and I think it's hit him hard, he's missed you a lot."


"He talks about you a lot, think the boys get a bit tired of it," She laughs. "But it's sweet to see him content with himself, happy, in love. I've waited a long time to see it."

"He never really expresses it to me,"

"He's silly, I guess he's a bit shy when it comes to that but believe me, he's very much in love."

I smile, my whole body warm, heart full of happiness. It felt so good to hear someone say that, to have someone who knows Harry possibly better than I do tell me how in love he is.

. . .

Walking backstage Sienna spots Harry before I do and runs off to him. He picks her up and spins her as he holds her close.

"Did you miss me?" He asks lovingly.

"Yes!" Sienna smiles hugging him again.

Walking over I smile kissing him a few times. "I missed you too,"

"I missed you way more than you'll ever know," He challenges.

I laugh. "Child,"

Sophia and Gemma were also here so I spent most of the morning with them and Lou watching the boys sound check.

When lunch came around we were able to sit out back and order from a local tapas bar, and although I wasn't sure if Sienna would like it, she surprised me by asking for more when she finished her small bowl.

"She's a good eater," Liam laughs nodding at Sienna who was enjoying some Mediterranean chicken Harry had kindly cut off for her.

"Sometimes she eats everything, sometimes she's really picky,"

"Do you like Barcelona, Sienna?" Liam asks.

She nods still a little shy around the boys.

When lunch is finished we all bask in the Spanish sun. Lux climbed into Harry's lap and Sienna was okay with it for around fifteen minutes before she too climbed into Harry's lap. Harry struggled for a little while with the two of them, but Lou and I saved him by taking the girls for a small nap.

Whilst they were sleeping we all chilled listening to some quiet music, I sat in Harry's lap uninterrupted and felt very happy to be back with him.

My phone rang but I ignored it, everyone that knew me knew I was with Harry and that I wanted to be left alone during this time, but when it rang two more times and everyone started to notice I quickly took it.


"Hi, Harper." I couldn't really detect her tone, it wasn't one she's ever used with me.

"Is everything okay?"

She sighs. "The media has gone wild. They've found out about this party you went to with Kendall, and also found out it got raided and now rumours are flying."

"What.." I swallow but I'm sure it's more of a gulp. I stand up off of Harry's lap and walk to a quieter spot. "What sort of rumours?"

"General, but what you need to know is we are working on it, your name is cleared as a drug user but Kendall is caught up in a lot so I suggest you lay low, and just attend work duties."

"Is Kendall okay?"

"I can't answer that,"

"But that isn't fair, she's the one who got me out before it was raided,"

"Yes but she's also a celebrity too. Her family are known for all types of mishaps. Shes trained for this,"


"Don't worry okay Harper? I don't want you stressing and having another panic attack-"

"I didn't, that wasn't-"

"Stop denying yourself Harper."

I remain quiet as she takes in a breath. I'll handle it, enjoy Spain."

"Thank you,"

"Bye Harper,"

"Bye Samantha."

Returning back to Harry's lap he kisses my temple. "Everything okay?"

I smile kissing his lips. "Perfect, just work stuff." I lie.

He pulls me closer and I join in with listening to Liam's story he was telling the whole group.

. . .

Hey guys thanks for reading, don't forget comments/votes - they mean a lot and I feel so grateful when you guys comment.

What do you think about Harper keeping this from Harry?

Laura <3

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