Thirty Five

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23rd May 2014


I sat with my head in my hands as I thought over this past week. It had been meeting after meeting with lawyers and social workers.

I was stressed to the max, I also had three photoshoots and a fitting this week, Samantha kept emailing me offers and Sienna was due vaccinations as well as a dentist appointment.

"Babe?" I hadn't heard Harry come in, Sienna was with my mum and Harry had been in and out the past couple of days trying to see all of his friends and family before tour again.


"What's wrong?"

I lifted my head to see if my phone had any notifications, but I had nothing. "I'm waiting to hear back from my lawyer."

"What's happening? What's going on?"

I shrug. I'm never deflated, I'm always optimistic and happy. But right now, right now I feel lower than low.

"He's not.. he can't.. he won't get custody will he?"

I look at Harry as if he's crazy. "I'll die before that happens. He's the most irresponsible person I know, he's only doing this because he doesn't like the fact that I have a boyfriend and Sienna has a positive role model in her life."

"So what's going to happen?"

"At the moment they're gathering evidence,"

"Evidence? Against what?"

"He.. he's said I'm an unfit mother,"

Harry's fists clench. "Unfit?"

I shake my head. "I've devoted my life to her,"

"I know you have," He sits beside me, his hands holding mine. "You're an amazing mother,"

"They think I'm just some young twenty year old,"

"Well, I'm sure I can get a better lawyer throw some money at them and-"

"What? you think money is going to fix this?"


"Harry money isn't the answer to this at all,"


"This past week has been a nightmare, I never want to relive it and you think because you can, you're going to show them some money and everything will go away?" I don't know why I was so agitated and emotional, I guess it's been building up..

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," I felt horrible for snapping at him, but I couldn't help it.

"Where's Sienna?"

"My mum's."

"I'm going to Nialls, why don't you come with me? Everyone will be there, Lou included."

"You sure?"

He nods. "I feel weird without you," I smile as he wraps his arms around my waist, Kissing my ear.

"I'll go change,"

. . .

At Niall's we were all sat in his games room, I was amazed at first. He had every child's dream in one room.

"Whose up for snooker then?" Louis stands and gets the snooker cues out.

"I'm the worst," I laugh sitting in Harry's lap, it was the comfiest of all seats, especially when he kissed my ear and whispered he loved me.

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