Twenty Eight

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Hey guys, Happy Easter! Hope you have/had a lovely day. Bit of a short, filler chapter I guess, might update again or leave it until tomorrow.. depends how writing goes.. Don't forget to hit the vote button, drop me a comment.. thank you for reading xx

. . .

8th April 2014


When I woke up I felt uneasy, Harry had just come out of the shower, he was trying to find some clothes without messing his suitcase order up.

"All ready?" I croak, my morning voice wasn't the most attractive thing about me.

"Yeah just need some jeans."

Sienna came in seconds later, jumping on my bed, she was looking and feeling better but the pox were still all over.

"Where you goin' Harry?" She frowns watching him zip his suitcase.

Harry and I share a look, we hadn't thought about how we were going to explain it to Sienna, she had an attachment to him, she knew who he was, she would notice his absence.

. .

We all had a normal family style breakfast, Sienna kept talking about nursery and giving us stories, I was quiet, afraid that if I spoke I would crack, Harry seemed calm and was able to talk to Sienna - keep her occupied, whereas I just sat and listened.

When the car pulled up, Harry wheeled his bag down, my lip started to tremble when security took his bag.

"Don't," Harry smiled sadly wiping the tear.

Sienna was on my hip, she was confused and it only broke my heart a little bit more.

"Are you goin' on 'olidays Harry?" Her innocence was what made me smile.

"Yeah, I am." He brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm going on holiday with my friends, but I will come back."

"When are you tumin' back?"

We both looked at each other.

"Soon, okay?"

She instantly frowns. "That's a long time,"

"It'll fly by," He looks at us both as if he's trying to reassure me too.

"But why can't I 'tum with you?"

He takes her from me. "You can next time, okay?"

She squeezes his neck and whimpers. "I don't want you to go,"

This made me cry again, Harry hugged her tightly as she started to cry into his neck.

"I'll be back soon,"

"But why can't you stay here?"

"Because I have to go, you stay here and look after mummy okay?"

I wipe my tears as Sienna pulls her head back to look at Harry. "Okay,"

"You have to be a big, big girl."

He hands her back to me kissing her forehead.

"I'll see you both soon, okay?" He kisses my lips twice, before kissing Sienna's forehead.

"Can't you 'tum back tomorrow?" Sienna cries. I wipe her tears as well as my own as Harry steps outside.

"Not tomorrow, but I'll FaceTime you how's that?"

"Not FaceTime!" she cries harder.

I say goodbye to Harry once more as Sienna starts to work herself up, it was only going to be 10x harder for him to leave.

To distract Sienna I decided we could make cupcakes and take them round to my mum's as a thank you for having her over the weekend.

"We can save one for Harry," Sienna suggests.

"They might not taste nice by then,"

"When is he back?"

"He's only just left," I smile sadly. "Soon, he'll be back soon."

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