Forty One

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Thought the song at the side was pretty relevant.. gigi hadid(Harper) is so gorgeous can I be her?! Comment, vote etc! Thanks for reading!
Laura <3

15th June 2014


Last night Sienna and I arrived in New York so late in the evening we both fell asleep on my bed in our clothes.

But waking up this morning to our beautiful temporary home was something out of a movie. It was a huge place; light, spacious and very child friendly.

I didn't have much time to chill out as Samantha had emailed me that my car would be here in an hour so I had to get us both breakfast, Sienna to her new nursery and back in time to be picked up.

And luckily, it all went smoothly. In the car I felt quite nervous - I had a casting first for Tommy Hilfiger.

I walked into the building and felt completely out of my depth, with the ceilings high, the mass of people scurrying around me.. I was just a small fish in a huge ocean.

"Hi, Harper right?" I turn around and I'm stunned for a second.

"Yeah, that's me.."

"Thought so, here for the Tommy casting?"

I couldn't really believe that The Kendall Jenner was speaking to me.

"Yeah.. I don't know where to go though,"

She smiles, "That's fine, follow me."

And so I did. She obviously knew this building like the back of her hand.

"So, first time in New York?" She asks as we take the lift up to what appears to be floor 9.

"Yeah,its a little daunting.. I only know London,"

"I love London! New York is scary at first, but you'll get used to it."

I smile. "I hope so,"

Walking onto the floor there's a long line of models sat down waiting, these models include the likes of Jourdann Dunn and Binx Walton.

Heads turn as Kendall and I walk over to the desk to collect our profiles. These are folders that basically contain different photos of us, showing what we can do etc.

We sit down as we watch model after model go in for their casting, I notice some girls shooting glares at Kendall and I as we sit talking.

"I don't think we're liked very much," I eye the other models who appear to be scowling at us.

Kendall looks over, locking eyes with them. They immediately look away and I was amazed at how timid they'd become from just one look. "A lot of people don't like me in this business." She admits quietly. "They think I just flashed my name and got given it.. but I didn't, I detached myself from my family, I don't let the show follow me around.. I'm doing this for me."

I nod. "I understand, people think I got this because of Harry,"

She swallows. "Right.."

"And I know you two hung out or dated or whatever but that's not awkward for me, he said you two are good."

"Yeah," She smiles reassuringly. "He's a good guy but I was too busy with this and him with his own stuff, we simply hung out as friends,"

I nod. "I'm glad I met you today, I was genuinely worried I'd be alone,"

She smiles. "I know how you feel, it can be quite lonely in this business,"

. . .

My feet were killing me. Seriously. The casting went well, I found out pretty quickly that I'd been cast for Tommy in fashion week which is exciting, Kendall however didn't get cast but I found out she was casting for other shows and we arranged brunch tomorrow.

Arriving home I made some food before fetching Sienna, the both of us ate before I bathed her and let her watch a movie with me for half an hour before I put her to bed.

"Hey babe,"

I smile. "Hey you,"

Things with Harry and I over the past weeks gradually went back to normal until it was forgotten about and we both moved on.

"How was it?"

"I got cast!" I grin.

"That's amazing, wow."

"Where are you now?" I ask slipping further into bed to get comfortable.


"Cool, seen much of it?"

"Tried to,"

"I met Kendall Jenner today,"

His eyebrows raise. "You did?"

I nod. "She was really sweet,"


"I know you two have a little history but she's really nice, we're having brunch tomorrow."

"Whatever makes you happy,"

I smile. "I miss you,"

"I miss you too, I need to tell you something.."

My heart drops. "What is it..?"

"I won't be able to fly out to you in New York,"

Although this made me sad, I was relieved it wasn't all the other hundred options that flew through my mind.

"That sucks,"

He nods, "I'm on tour until the end of July now,"

I swallow.

"So, I figured you fly out to me? Possibly..?"

"One minute," I open up my calendar app and try to figure out when I'd be free again. "I fly home 6th July,"

He opens up his calendar and the realisation kicked in that this was our life now. This was how it was going to be from now on, Skype sessions figuring out and planning when we could next see each other.

"You could fly out on the 8th to me in Barcelona, stay until the 11th?"

"That'll be short but, why not? I get to see you."

"What are you going to do with Sienna?"

"I'll ask my mum to have her, I can't have her skipping nursery so often,"

He nods. "So that's sorted then, I'll book your ticket and forward it to you,"

"You don't have to-"

"Babe, I'm doing it,"

I sigh. "I have an early start so I'll Skype you tomorrow?"

He nods sad that it was time to end the call. "Love you,"

"That's not the proper way," I pout.

He chuckles. "I know but I wanted you to do that cute pout and keep you on the line longer."

I smile at his cuteness.

"I love you, Harper."

"I love you too, Harry."

We both smile at each other before blowing kisses and ending the call. And although he was thousands of miles away, looking at my wallpaper of me, him and Sienna made it feel as if he was right there beside me.

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