Fifty Seven

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25th November 2014


"F, F, F.. come on where's- got you." I grin finding the 'F' section. Picking up a brand new copy of 'Four' I head over to the cashier who smiles politely.

"Wouldn't he give you a free copy?" She jokes scanning it.

"Just helping the numbers," I shrug putting my card in the machine and following the instructions.

Once I was out the shop I head over to Shoreditch which is where I was wanted for a photoshoot.

Upon arriving everyone was so welcoming and excited to work with me, within minutes I was in hair and makeup.

Whilst my hair was being done I was quick to take out the boys' album and have a look through the songs.

"You bought it?!" The hair stylist asks.

I nod. "Of course,"

"Wouldn't you like.. get one for free ' cus y'know.."

It was quite annoying that people just assumed I'd ask for one and get it just like that, I'm not that sort of person. "I wanted to buy one regardless of if I got one for free,"

"I respect that,"

I smile although I was thinking: ' I don't care if you respect it or not, it's my life.'

Holding the album up to my mouth I take a quick selfie before posting it to twitter.

HarperFletcher: I have mine, do you have yours?! #FOUR

Within minutes it's retweeted, favourited and replied to but I try to ignore it all,

Harry_Styles: Listen to my girlfriend folks, she knows best. RT @HarperFletcher: I have mine, do you have yours?! #FOUR

HarperFletcher: @Harry_Styles ❤️

. . .

On my break I decided to take another selfie of myself with my coffee, I then tweeted it - I was starting to like this social media thing.

HarperFletcher: Break time on my shoot, need this pick me up! :)

When it was time to go back on set my photo had 13k retweets and 17k favourites. How that happens I will never know, it's all so strange to me. I then realised that Harry and Lou had both favourited it so that was probably why there was such a boost.

. . .

Finishing up my shoot I head to Oxford street, I hadn't really had time for Christmas shopping so I decided today would be the day I'd get at least Sienna and Harry's presents.

I had no idea what to get Harry, he has everything - literally. And I know asking him would be a mistake because he'd only reply with 'don't get me anything, I don't need anything'. So instead I head into Harrods for some inspiration.

Inside, I find a dress for Sienna that she can wear on Christmas day, a shirt for Harry and a bag for my sister that I know she would definitely cry about when she opens it.

I tried to get some more shopping done but I was stopped so much it was nearly impossible and by the time I was out of Harrods the paps were informed of me being there and they ended up hounding me.

So in the end I called an Uber and went home.

At least I bought some things I guess..

. . .

Sienna, Harry and I were just finishing up our dinner, I had made homemade lasagne, one of Harry's favourite dishes.

"So, Christmas is approaching.." Harry starts as I take our plates away.

"Yeah.." I wipe Sienna's face and give her a bowl of apple slices.

"What are you doing for it?"

I sit back down with a slice of watermelon. "I usually go to my mum's but obviously that was before we were together. How do you want to work it?"

"Well, I'm going up to Holmes Chapel you see.."

I look down. "Oh," I wasn't angry or upset that he was going back home, who wouldn't want to? I'm just a little.. disappointed that he didn't really think about me. "When will you be back in London?"

He shrugs. "I'm not too sure,"

My heart sank deeper as he watched me carefully. I wasn't going to get upset or angry. A promise I made to myself.

Sienna tipped her apple everywhere which caused for me to huff and help pick it up, I placed the bits from the floor in the bin.

The conversation was quickly forgotten my attention completely on Sienna now. But it was in the back of my head, it was something we needed to sort out.

Or would we? This only added to my insecurities. Hearing the words; 'Harper's different' fly around my head at lightening speed.

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