Chapter Two

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8th January 2014


"Come on Sienna! Put your shoe on, he'll be here soon." I encourage.

She clutched Charlie her panda teddy closer to her as she shook her head.

I sighed wanting to give up. Today is Thursday, which means it's Jaison's day to take her. We agreed he'd have her Thursday to Saturday. But he has the reputation of not sticking to it, especially with his new girlfriend taking up most of his time, Sienna just isn't that important to him anymore.

I had work in an hour and I was working alone for the first four hours which means I had to be there on time.

"How about I give you-" I was cut off by my phone vibrating. Picking it up I hand Sienna her shoe hoping maybe she would try to put it on herself.

Hi Harper, sorry it's so late but can't have sienna. something's come up

I rolled my eyes throwing my phone into my bag. What a surprise.

"Change of plan Sienna," I smile. "Daddies not coming today,"

She looks up at me. "Why?"

"He's.. he's got work,"

"Oh," She pouts.

My heart sank watching the disappointment on her face, even though they weren't close she still liked being with her dad.

"Okay," I smiled. What am I going to do now? My mum was at work, my sister wouldn't be able to have her because of university.. "Want to come into work with mummy?"

She nods excitedly as I unpack her bag and repack it with today's essentials.

. . .

I had been at work for two hours and Sienna was already bored. She'd been walking around the shop taking things off the shelf and trying on all of the high heels.

Some customers found it sweet and would laugh, others found it a nuisance and would leave the store quickly.

As I just finished serving a customer the door opened. Sienna was on the counter colouring in her favourite book.

"Harper, hi."

I looked up at my name, Harry was smiling wide, hands in his pockets.

"Oh, hi Harry. Did your sister like her presents?"

He nods. "Loved them, she also wants to come by here and get some more stuff, she really liked the jumpers."

I smile. "I'm glad."

His eyes shifted to Sienna who was in her own world colouring. "Who's this little one?"

I laugh. "My daughter, she wasn't supposed to be with me today but people cancel and yeah, now it's come to work with mummy day,"

"What's your name?" He asks as she looks up at him, her big brown eyes blinking in confusion.


"And how old are you Sienna?"

She looks over at me before I hold up two fingers. She tries to do the same but it ends up being four fingers.

"You're two?!" Harry gasps.

She nods shyly.

"That's many,"

"Mummy said I can get a bike when I am free,"

I rolled my eyes. She's been going on about getting a tricycle since she rode on one at nursery. I agreed but only when she is three.

"And when are you three?" He asks.

"Erm," She looks over at me again.

"February," I answer for her.

"My birthdays in February too!" Harry exaggerates. "What date is yours?"

Sienna giggles.

"The third," I answer again.

"And I'm the first." He smiles. "Aquarius' together."

She looks at him to say 'what?' But then giggles again.

"Is there anything you're looking for?" I ask him once Sienna gets back to colouring.

"Uh I just want to browse the men's section?"

"Sure, go ahead."

I serve some more customers, Harry subtly hides himself from them as they pay, a smile on my face as he watched carefully.

When the customers leave Harry walks back over with some boots. "Do you reckon you have these in a ten?"

"I can go check," I take the boots from him and begin to walk into the back before I turn round and spot Sienna still colouring.

Harry notices my hesitance. "She's fine here with me, promise."

I swallow with a nod before quickly finding him the boots. Walking back out I stop once I hear Sienna giggling, Harry was holding her and blowing in her face making her gasp.

"I uh, found them.."

"Great! Thanks," He sits Sienna back on the counter who then pouts at the loss of attention.

"Anything else?"

He shakes his head taking out his card as I scan the boots and place them in a bag.

"Can I be really.. just out there and ask you if you have plans tomorrow night?" Harry asks as Sienna walks over to her bag to take out a bottle, she was due a nap soon.

"Uh, I don't uh.. I don't have any plans."

"Would you like to get a drink? I mean, just a friendly drink, you did save me from my sister hating me."

I laugh. "Sure,"

"I can pick you up? Or meet you there?"

"I'll meet you there, I'll arrange for my mum to watch Sienna so.. should work."

He smiles telling me the bar name before giving Sienna a high five and leaving.

"He funny," Sienna giggles walking over to me with Charlie the panda.

I lift her up and kiss her cheek. "Yeah, he is."

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