Thirty Seven

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28th May 2014


"..So what do you say?"

"I.." I was currently sat in shock, not really sure what to say or do.

Samantha had just broke the news to me that not only have I been asked to walk in four shows for New York Fashion Week, but there's a line of castings she's booked me in for.. in New York.

Samantha laughs. "It's crazy I know, but you'll meet so many people out there and I don't want to pressure you but you'd be crazy to turn it down,"

"How long would I be there for? What would I do with Sienna?"

"Three weeks max, you'd have interviews, tv appearances.. we want you out in America, we reckon you'd be more of a hit over there than here. For Sienna we can get a nanny, or home school.. it's what you would like,"

"Are there nurseries there? Where would I live?" I had far too many questions right now to even process everything going on.

"Yes, she could go to a local one. We'll rent you a penthouse whilst you're here. All expenses paid."

"I.. I need to think about it, I'm currently on the way to Manchester, can I get back to you?"

"Of course,"

"Thanks. Bye Samantha,"

"Bye Harper,"

Putting the phone down I sigh looking over at a sleeping Sienna, she had been sleeping for a good half an hour already.

Harry had sent for a car to pick us up and drive to Manchester where he and the boys would be performing tonight.

Although it had been three days, I was ready to see him again. Sienna was also very excited, I think she was more excited to see Lux than Harry - but we won't tell him that.

. . .

"Harry!" Sienna basically screamed the second we walked into the backstage area. We arrived later than expected because of traffic so the boys were now (kind of) sound checking. I think their vocal coach was getting annoyed because they just weren't listening.

Harry picked Sienna up and swung her around making her giggle, Lou greeted me along with Zayn and Niall, Liam was sat on top of a speaker box so he waved and Louis was attempting to pull him down by his ankles.

"Hey you," Harry smiles kissing me.

Sienna crinkled her nose in distaste. And wipes Harry's lips afterwards. "Yuk!"

We both laugh. "She's really missed you,"

He kisses her cheek. "I've missed you,"

"And me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Obviously not," He smirks.

I huff playfully. "Guess I'll have to go back home then,"

He takes my hand and pulls me into him. "No can do," He kisses my forehead.

"Just beautiful,"

I turn and see Anne with her phone out, she quickly shows me the photo. Sienna was on Harry's hip, I was curled into the other as he kissed my forehead, a smile on my face. "Could you send that to me please?"

She nods. "Of course sweetie,"

. . .

We didn't get to spend that much time with the boys or Harry as they were being rushed here, there and everywhere in order to be ready on time for their show that was starting in an hour, five seconds of summer were already underway and performing so the tension backstage was heavy.

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