Fifty Four

9K 410 24

10th September


You know that feeling when you have no idea what to do with yourself? Whether you should sit, stand, drink water, eat some grapes, or just.. exist?

That's how I feel right now.

I was told once that NYFW is crazy, but I never imagined it to be this crazy. There were models everywhere, designers and their assistants running frantically, makeup and hair dryers adorning work tops.

Before I could really understand what was going on I was pushed into a corner and dressed in my first look, then sat in a chair where my hair and makeup were done simultaneously, as well as fashion bloggers and tv presenters asking for short interviews.

The only time I was able to think straight was when all models were lined up ready to walk and the show began, as each model started to make their way onto the catwalk my heart sank further and further. I knew I could do it, I'd been trained to do this, but now it's all became a scary reality.

I caught Kendall's eye, she was at the back of the line, a confident smile on her face as she mouthed 'you can do this'.

And before I could reply I was guided into my spot, I then had to take my place and stand in view of the whole audience, a spot light on me.

I then made my way down the catwalk, strong face, strong walk. I kept repeating the words to myself as I walked but as I turned I caught the eyes of someone in the audience, sat front row with his hands clasped.

Harry Styles.

I wanted to stop the show, run, and sit in his lap. Kiss him until it hurt and slap him for not telling me he'd be here, but I kind of liked the surprise too.

As he caught my eye he smirked as I walked past him.

Cheeky shit.

. . .

It was the final look now and I couldn't be more glad, I wanted to be with Harry right away.

I was second to last this time, Kendall was last - the show closer. In fashion week apparently only the best model closes the show so for Kendall this was a huge deal.

With Kendall behind me I felt confident as I walked, I felt happy that eyes were on me, I wanted people to look at me. But as I came to turn Kendall grabbed my hand and we posed together at the end of the catwalk. I was confused as to why she did this, but felt so much more confident as we walked back down the catwalk together hand in hand.

"Why did you do that?!" I laugh the second we start changing.

"Girl power," She shrugs. "Modelling is too negative and bitchy, it deserves unity and for girls to love each other than loathe."

I hug her. "You're a great person Kendall,"

I watch as Harry is lead backstage half an hour or so later and instantly hug him to me. "You didn't say you were coming," I slap his arm.

"Ouch, I wanted it to be a surprise." He pouts.

"So that hotel on Skype last night.."

"Is in New York."

"Have you seen your mum?"

"Of course but she insisted I came out to you,"

I kiss him over and over before I say goodbye to Kendall. I then take Harry's hand. "You hungry?"

"Yeah, where's Sienna?"

"Nursery, I'll collect her in a few hours."

. . .

I was happy to eat Burger King but Harry being Harry insisted on a hipster type restaurant in Soho.

"You wouldn't believe how much I've missed you," I sigh breaking off some bread.

"Well, I would because I've probably missed you more,"

"So," I cough because although my throat was just fine, I felt a metaphoric lump in my throat.

Calm. Breathe.

Harry sat waiting for me to continue.

"With this whole.. modelling thing I'm really getting money now, it's flowing in and I think it's time I look for somewhere else to live,"

Harry agrees. "Totally, you need a huge garden for Sienna, and to live more central,"

I swallow, swirling my soup around.

"What is it?" He frowns noticing my silence.

I sit up, back straight and decide it's now or never. "I thought that after Christmas when we both have time off and are able to spend time together.. I thought maybe we could look for a place.. together, I mean if you want to that is.."

Harry's face lights up. "You'd want that?"

"If you do,"

He leans over the table and kisses me. "Of course,"

"Where do you want to look?"

He thinks for a second. "Primrose maybe, Sienna needs parks and greenery."

"Look at you, father figure." I smirk.

"Is this it? Is this me becoming an adult?" He gasps stealing an olive off my plate.

I slap his hand away as he attempts to steal another. "Afraid so, honey bunch."

. . .


Hey guys,
Thanks for all the comments and votes! What do you think about them moving in together??!

Also, the stories nearly over, should I post a prologue of the sequel or wait?? Let me know!!

Laura xxx

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