Chapter Ten

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These are my characters;

Harper - Gigi Hadid,
Saffron(her sister) - Anna Sophia Robb ,
Edie - Bella Thorne,
Helena(her mum) - Sandra Bullock.

. . .

29th January 2014


Sienna was all ready to go to her dads, he hadn't actually cancelled this time shockingly.

"Can I stay here?" She pouted as the doorbell rang.

"You'll have a lovely time with daddy,"

I open the door and offer him a civil smile. "Hi you okay?"

He nods. "There's my princess," He grins opening his arms out for Sienna to go into, Sienna however hides behind my legs.

"She's in a funny mood, I'll get her bags,"

He nods, a slightly disappointed look on his face. Although he doesn't always stick to the plan, and he does annoy me, I still felt bad for him, he pays his way for her and has never missed a birthday, Easter or Christmas, and for me, that is enough. Growing up without a dad myself, it has made me want Sienna to have as much contact with hers as possible, because no contact can do more harm than good.

I Hand him her bags as she reluctantly takes his hand. "I'll have her back Saturday around 3?"

"3?" I frown. "It's usually 11?"

"I know but my mum's coming with birthday presents," Sienna's eyes light up as she hears this making me laugh.

"That's fine, have a nice time you two."

He nods shifting her bag and walking down the path to his car.

I sigh, relief washing over me as I realise I had the house to myself for a couple days.

. . .

I had had a long bath, painted my toes and nails before getting dressed and making sure I had everything before heading out to meet my mum for a late lunch.

"How is Sienna?"

"Great," I nod sipping my mocktail. "She's with Jaison now until Saturday afternoon,"

"So he finally picked her up?"

I nod. "It's annoying but, at the end of the day he came, he's got her, she's safe, it's fine." He had not long ago sent me a photo of Sienna wearing some new boots he had bought her.

"Look at you all grown up," My mum winks.

"I have to be,"

We were served our food and we both tucked in, I had ordered a pasta, my mum ordered a salad, she didn't watch her figure but liked to eat healthily from time to time.

"And how about your romantic life, anything going on there?"

"Well," I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You have someone?"

I was almost offended at how shocked my mum was. "Okay, rude, and yes, I do."

"Sorry," She laughs. "You just never date."

"Well, I have a date tomorrow night,"

"What's he like?"

I swallow a little nervous as to how she might react.

"He's erm, it's uh, it's Harry Styles."

"What?" She frowns turning around to look as if he'd just walked in.

"Who I'm going on a date with,"

"You're serious?"

"A hundred percent,"

"My god," She chuckles. "I don't think a lot of mothers want to hear that their daughter is dating Harry Styles, but I trust you, you're not stupid."

"He's nothing like they make out mum, I promise. He went to LA and came back early to surprise me, brought me flowers as well as Sienna,"

"He's met Sienna already?! Oh Harper," She sighs.

"No, no if I had a choice he wouldn't have met her just yet but he came into the boutique and Jaison cancelled so she was with me and he met her there. he's so good with her, he gets her to sleep within minutes."

"And he's nice to her?"

"He's adorable with her,"

My mum sighs. "I thought he was with some model, Sadie or whatever her name is?"

I shrug eating some more pasta. "Rumours and articles are just for entertainment,"

"As long as you and Sienna are both happy, that's all that matters."

My mum and I hold up our glasses and toast with smiles both on our faces. "I'll drink to that mother dearest."

. . .

It was just after 8pm when I finally relaxed into bed, I went shopping with my mum after lunch then stopped by Edie's but she wasn't home so I came back, cleaned the kitchen and did some overdue ironing before hoovering Sienna's room and ordering her books and toys.

I was watching tv when my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Harper, hi it's me." I cold hear Sienna crying in the background, I instantly sit up alarmed.

"Jaison? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah fine well, no, she won't sleep, everything I try she refuses."

I sigh laying back. "Rub her back and cuddle her into you and soothe her, then read her one of the books I packed, there should be four in there, let her choose."


"Check her nappy, she could have peed."

"Will do,"

"Anything else?"

"No, thanks Harper,"

I smile. "No problem,"

I hang up and turn back to the tv, happy to snuggle up with nothing but my pillows.

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