Forty Nine

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Hey guys! Kind of short but an important chapter. I'll either update tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for the cliff hanger too..

. . .

10th July


We arrived at the hotel at around 4am, fans were already waiting but we were all ushered in as quick as possible as everyone just wanted to go back to sleep - me included.

That morning I slept in until 9am, waking up to a quiet hotel room.

At breakfast, come down when you want.
H & Sienna .xx

I quickly get changed before making my way down to where everyone except Zayn were starting to eat.

I kissed Sienna who was sat in a highchair and sat beside her, avoiding eye contact with Harry.

I was quiet throughout breakfast, only speaking to Lou when she asked me something, or to Sienna when she needed helping cutting things up, or asked me a question.

Returning back to our room, I get myself and Sienna ready for the day.

"You okay..?" Harry looked sheepish at the bathroom door, Lou had picked Sienna up and taken her and Lux to the pool already, I was quickly checking we had everything in order for our departure tomorrow.

"Yeah," I wash my face and look at Harry through the mirror, his head cocked as if he was trying to work out my mood.

"You seem upset,"

"Guess I'm different, aren't I?"

He frowns. "What?"

"Nothing," I rub in moisturiser then sun cream.

"Have I done something?"

I smile sadly. "You've done nothing, Harry."

He nods. "Just off day or..?"

I wanted to scoff, of course I'm having an off day. "Yeah.. can I use your laptop for ten minutes? I need to check emails."

"Yeah course, it's on the bed.. I'll head to the pool, see you there..?"

I smile pecking his cheek, this really threw him off guard. "Yep,"

When Harry's laptop finally booted up I was able to open emails. Honestly, he's known worldwide, in the biggest boyband and for some reason has this old, slow laptop.

As I was just about to log out of Harry's very boring email account, I noticed a certain persons name.

Samantha Noble.

Why would Harry have her email? How does he even know her? I know curiosity killed the cat but I couldn't help but look, I mean I don't email Simon Cowell.. why would Harry email Samantha?

Clicking on her email I'm introduced to a whole archive of emails, the subject of each being 'Harper F'.

As I read each and every one my heart breaks more and more. I read email after email. He got her to sign me, they've discussed my deals, how I'll 'never find out'. My whole career has been a lie.

One big, fat, motherfucking lie.

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