Forty Six

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Hey guys hope you're okay! Starting to plan the next book! Very excited for it..
Don't forget to comment and vote and all the other good stuff. Love and peace, thank you.
Laura <3

. . .

6th July 2014


I was really sad to leave New York, in a way it had been my second home, here is where I've really been able to establish who I am, and explore a whole new career.

I was excited however, to return home and pack again so Sienna and I could go and spend some time with Harry and the boys.

"All packed," I smile as Sienna sat in my lap.

"Are we going home now mummy?"

"Soon," I check the time. The car was due in around forty minutes.

"When can I see Harry and Lux?"

"In two days, we're flying out to them."

"Will we go on a plane?"

I nod brushing her hair out of her face. "It won't be as long though, we aren't going as far."

"I miss Harry,"

"Me too,"

"Why can't we live with him?"

I smile. "Because he has his house, I have mine."

"But why can't we have one together?"

I stand us both up. "One day, maybe we will."

. . .

Once we're through security - the part I think everyone hates, Sienna and I find a nice place to sit and eat. She was fascinated watching the planes come in and take off, she even told me one day she wishes to fly one herself.

"Excuse me?"

I love up from my food to see two smiling girls, one who I'd say is around fourteen, the other around eleven.

"Hi," I smile shyly.

"Could we maybe, if you don't mind, possibly get a photo with you? We saw you on tv and we love you,"

I chuckle standing up. "Sure,"

I take a couple of photos with each girl before they leave, I rarely ever get stopped so to be asked for photos too was new.

"Why did they want photos with you?" Sienna frowns eating a chicken nugget.

"Because..they know me,"

"How?" She squints.

"From when I was tv, remember when i showed you that video of me last week?"

Sienna nodded.

"They saw it too,"


. . .

The flight was really comfortable, Sienna started to get frustrated and bored during the last hour and nothing would entertain her but apart from that, it was good.

Landing, I was completely lost and confused. In my head it was 5pm, but in the UK it's 10pm so whilst I was ready for dinner, the UK was getting ready for bed.

Jumping in a taxi, Sienna and I head straight home. Turning on my phone I'm met with texts from my mum, sister and Harry asking if I landed safely.

Putting their minds at ease I open my door and smile at the familiar smell and feel glad to be home. I quickly make Sienna and I a snack before heading to bed not even bothering to unpack tonight.

. . .

7th July(the next day).

My mum and Saffron were over at 11, both dying to know all about New York as I hadn't had much contact with them whilst I was there, I was also packing for tomorrow when I and Sienna would be joining Harry and the boys on tour in Barcelona, although I'd only be with them for four days, it was better than nothing at all and two of those Harry would be off with free time.

"I saw you partying with Kendall Jenner," Saffron smirks as we eat, mum kindly offered to cook whilst Saffron played with Sienna and I packed everything.

"Yeah, it was a good night," I wanted to brush the topic off and get away from it as quick as possible. "What's going on in your life, Saff?"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm 18 and boring. Uni, work.. that's it."

"It'll be worth it," I encourage. I wanted her to have the best future, take the best path.

"I know,"

"So, as you all know it's my birthday soon," Mum grins as Sienna claps for her. "And I wanted to invite you both to my birthday meal, it's at West Thirty Six,"

"Wow that is posh mum," My eyes widen.

"I know, can you make it?"

"I can," Saffron agrees.

I however had to check, it's my mums birthday July 29th.. I don't know where I'll be then.

"I'll have to look at my calendar.. it should be okay," I smile hopefully.


. . .

"How are you and Harry?" I'd taken the mini pool out for Sienna, Saffron was quick to dip her toes in allowing mum and I some grown up time. We sat watching from my patio as the two splashed each other.

"We're both good, happy."

"You two are always just happy,"

I nod. "Happy relationship I guess,"

"Do you.. know where it's going?"

I shrug. "Not..not really,"

"I mean you've been together six months it's not serious, serious yet but I mean.. with your dad-"

"Don't mention him please," I shut my eyes. I didn't want to talk about him, he left my mum to bring up three children alone. He's nothing but a coward.

"I'm just saying, where are you two heading? Moving in together, marriage, children?"

"I'm twenty mum,"

"I was twenty when I had your brother, twenty two with you, twenty four with Saff. I'm not saying have a wedding planned or move in with him tomorrow, I'm just saying.. think about the future, it's not just yours, it's Sienna's too."

I watch as Sienna giggles hysterically after splashing drama queen Saffron in the face, an area she wasn't keen on getting soaked.

"I don't think I can plan, or think about it. We're both so busy right now,"

"How long until that's tiring?"

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"You can only Skype and text for so long, you can only sleep alone and read what he's doing online so much until it becomes your reality, your world. I don't want you unhappy Harper, and I'm worried you'll put others happiness before your own,"

"Isn't that what we're supposed to do?"

She shakes her head with a sad smile. "Never forget that you are your own, before you're someone else's."

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