Chapter Fifteen

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8th February 2014


I hadn't seen Harry since the night of Sienna's birthday. We had texted here and there but he was really busy, and my mind kept going over the fact he lied about Sadie.

Just as I was about to take my break, the devil herself walked into the boutique.

"Hi," I smile. "Can I help you?"

"I need an outfit for Saturday night. I'm looking to have that personal style thing."

I look over to Kellie and Chloe, but both of them were busy with other customers.

"I guess I could do it,"

"Are you qualified?"


"I'm the assistant manager."

She raises her eyebrow looking me up and down. "Oh,"

We walk over to the changing rooms and Sadie lists everything she was and wasn't looking for. "A dress that screams not single but also you can look but not touch, not long so I look Amish but not short so I look desperate, I need something that says I'm fun and I'm your perfect girl. All size 8. Kay?"

I look at her as if to say 'anything else?' But she simply smiles that sweet sinner smile and sits on the seat in her changing room.

I find three dresses, a black, gold and red one. I tried to go for the opposite of what I would like to wear because that's what Sadie is, my opposite.

I hand them to her and shut the door before she can comment. I sat playing with my fingers as I heard her struggling. "Are you okay in there?"

"Are you sure this is a size 8?" She spits.

"Er, yes. I checked before I took it off the rail. All size 8 like you asked."

She opened the door, the dress sitting on her thighs. "It's a tight size 8."

"I can get you a size 10-"

"I'm an 8!" She practically shouts.


She huffs slamming the door again. What a joy.

. . .

After trying all three on, she only liked the black one and took it as a size 10, making me promise not to tell anyone. Not that anyone cares I don't think, size 10 is still small.

"Are you doing anything for valentines?" I asked scanning her dress.

"No," She huffs. "My boyfriend's out of town. Or so he says, I think he's cheating." She bites her lip and in that moment I feel sorry for her, I see her for who she is.

She's not this stuck up model, she's just looking for attention, maybe she wasn't shown enough as a child. I think secretly, she just wants someone to love her.

She just goes around it the wrong way.

"Is he like famous or something?"

She scoffs. "Too famous," She mumbles. I was curious as to who it was, but I didn't want to pry.

"Did you enjoy Harry's party?" I ask handing her the dress in it's bag.

"Yeah, I was surprised to see you. Do you get invited to A-list stuff quite a lot?"

I raise an eyebrow, A-list? I never once thought of Harry as A-list.

"No," I shake my head. "I kind of know Harry,"

"You do?" She immediately becomes a lot more interested. "How?"

"Well," I didn't want to tell her we went on a date, girls like her were just gossips. "He's been in the boutique a couple times."

"Of course he has," She smiles looking down. "He bought me this jumper."

I frown. "What?"

"Harry's my boyfriend,"

With that I felt all colour drain from my face, I wasn't sure if it was noticeable to Sadie but by the smile on her face and the way she said goodbye she was totally oblivious.

"Harry's my boyfriend," It kept replaying in my head like a sick joke. They were together, that's why she was calling him the other night.

What hurt the most was that he told me he was buying the jumpers for his sister, when they were for Sadie, his girlfriend.

That's why he kept me with the boys on his birthday, that's why he acted strange when I said I saw her.

They're together.

He had come into my life and completely changed it, even in a matter of a few weeks, I wasn't in love with him, but I liked him. We'd kissed and dated, we danced stupidly and he bought Sienna her first bike.

And the whole time he was lying.

"My boyfriend's out of town. Or so he says, I think he's cheating." Sadie's words made me feel sick. He was cheating, with me, not that I knew this of course.

As a new set of customers walked in I tried to push the new learnt information to the back of my mind as I plastered on a fake smile and asked if there was anything I could help them with.

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