Chapter Seventeen

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To anyone who thought it was rude of me to update even though zayn left I'm sorry to have offended you! I did post a message saying how sad I am.. I've literally had like 3 hours sleep over it because I kept checking twitter for updates and things! I'm just as sad as every other fan right now, I just hope my updates make you smile for a little bit and take your mind off it.

Laura :-) x

. . .

Saturday 14th February 2014


After spending the day with Sienna baking cute heart shaped cookies and watching Lady and the Tramp, my mum picked her up and I began to get ready for tonight.

Harry had text me last night with the details, they were vague but that's Harry. It was simply 'wear a pretty dress, and be ready by 6'.

Applying my lipstick, the doorbell rang, I didn't feel nervous, just excited, excited to see what he had planned.

Opening the door I grab my clutch.

"Wow," Harry looked as if he was stunned, shocked by what I looked like.

"Do I look bad?" I cringe looking down at my heels.

"No, no, the.. the opposite, you look.. wow, phenomenal."

I hadn't had time to really take in what he was wearing, so once I did I smiled. "I like your shirt," It had three buttons open, and usually I'd find this look shabby, personally I love guys in a suit and tie, but with Harry standing here in his shirt, blazer and skinny jeans I couldn't help but feel my mind completely change.

"Ready for our date?"

I nod about to take his hand. "Oops, sorry," He smiles sheepishly handing me a single red rose from behind his back.

With my cheeks warm I take it. "Thank you," I place it on the side and take his hand. "Where are we heading?"

Opening my car door for me he smiles shaking his head. "Can't tell you that,"

. . .

Turning into Knightsbridge I had no clue as to where we were heading until he drove through the gates of The Lanesborough London.

I knew of this place, heck, anyone who lives in London was aware of it. I had never even dared to look at prices because I knew it would cost my months wages just to reserve a table here.

"I know it's a hotel but I've just booked dinner,"

I smile. "I've never been here before,"

"It's delicious."

Walking inside Harry takes my hand, no one paid attention to us apart from the waitor who was smiling ear to ear.

Uber-posh was the first thing that came to mind when we sat down. The Venetian-style dining room, low hung chandeliers and faint music of a piano playing somewhere.

"What are you ordering?"

I shrug picking up the menu, it was in English and French, the prices no where to be seen. "They aren't priced," I frown.

Harry smiles. "I know,"

"How do you know how much you're paying?"

He shrugs looking at his menu. "You don't,"


I ordered the Mediterranean chicken with vegetables and rice, Harry ordered some beef dish I had no idea what it was but it sounded complicated. He also ordered us white wine even though I told him water was fine.

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