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Forty chapters - who'd have thought it?! Double update because I'm nice... comment, vote & and all the other good stuff please & thank you..
Laura <3

. . .

1st June 2014


The next morning I woke up alone, I could hear Sienna giggling downstairs and knew she was with Harry.

Heading down I collect the mail and walk into the kitchen where Sienna and Harry are both eating pancakes.


I smile kissing her forehead as I head over to make a vitamin shake.

"Harry made pan-tates!"

"Yum," I purposely avoid Harry's eyes.

"Are you having pan-tates mummy?"

I shake the vitamin bottle. "Not right now, I'm not hungry sweetheart." I fake a smile.

I turn around to pour my drink and Sienna huffs. "Mummy always eats pan-tates,"

"Yeah," Harry mutters. "I know,"

Picking up my phone, I see I have an email - from Fraser Walters, Jaison's lawyer.

Dear Miss Fletcher,

It appears that Mr Jaison Higgs has declined custody. He refuses to appear in court and wants the case closed. He has decided it would be inappropriate to go through with the case, and therefore will no longer part-take in fighting for custody over Sienna Fletcher.

Thank you for your time,

Fraser Walters.

I wanted to happy dance, he's not going through with it.. he's not fighting. Although it's sad, I'm glad I don't have to appear in court.

"Something up?" Harry asks beside me.

"Jaison's lawyer emailed me. He doesn't want to go through with it,"


"Custody battle,"

"Oh well that's good then,"

"I know,"

"I'm free all day until the show.. want to go out?"

I sigh. "Samantha and I are skyping later. She's telling me details about New York,"

Harry's eyebrows raise in surprise. "You're going?"

I sip my shake. "Yeah,"



"I just.. I thought you'd tell me.. maybe.. I don't know."

"I decided last night,"

He nods. "So it's pay back?" He crossed his arms.

"Pay back?" I frown.

"I don't tell you something, so you go and do this,"

"I didn't do anything,"

"Fine, we won't do anything today then."

"Why don't you call Natasha and ask if she's free?"

"Don't, Harper."

"Don't what?"

Before he could answer I hear Sienna squeal and then burst into tears. I turn around immediately and see her basically screaming in her seat - we had recently moved from a highchair to a toddler seat at the table.

"What happened?" I panic picking her up trying to calm her.

"I trapped my finger," She wails showing me her middle finger.

I run it under the cold tap as she cries, her face hot and red from crying. Harry brings some tissue and plasters. I take them from him with a quiet 'thank you' and clean Sienna up.

. . .

I was all ready for the Skype meeting, due to the warm weather, Harry and Sienna were out in the garden on the small trampoline, Niall was on his way to join them too.

I sat on my bed prepared with a notebook and pen when my screen lit up with Samantha's Skype. I answered with a polite hello, and she gave me a smile and a wave.

She started off with when Sienna and I would go to New York.. "So, 14th June you'll fly out, so two weeks today. We have organised an apartment that is child friendly and safe for the two of you to stay in. You will have a car to pick you up for certain things, but personal outings will be up to you of course."

I nod.

"Sienna is able to go to a nursery around the corner, we've reserved her a place."

"Wow, thank you.."

"You're welcome, now for the work stuff.. the first week is castings and shoots. Six castings, seven shoots."


"Yeah, hard work. Second week is tv, I've got you in Good Morning America, and some other great shows that week."

"Isn't that viewed by like four million people or something?"

She laughs. "Yeah,if not more.. the final week will be meetings and measurings for New York fashion week which will be in September. You also get three days off at the end of it."


"Intense but great opportunities, and you get to meet amazing people.. are you still in?"

I smile, my whole body tingling with excitement. "I'm in,"

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