Fifty Six

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A/N; just so you know, this story isn't quite finished yet! I think it has two or three more chapters left. Sorry in advance for this being short, I just liked the idea. xxxx

. . .

31st October


Halloween. A time of year that I've never really paid much attention to, my mum never celebrated it with us, so I've never cared for it.

But when Lou invited myself and Sienna out with her and Lux to go trick or treating I couldn't say no - mainly because Sienna was running around screaming "please mummy".

So we walked around the neighbourhood for an hour and a half in the freezing cold. Lux was a skeleton, Sienna went as a princess - she wasn't really into wearing the witches dress I had so kindly rushed around to get this morning whilst she was at nursery.

When we had had enough we headed back to Lou's, the girls ran off to play whilst Lou and I prepared food.

"So Harry tells me you two are moving in together,"

I wash the lettuce as she takes out the mince meat from the packaging. We're having tacos, my least favourite food but I'm so hungry I'll eat anything right now.

"Yeah, after Christmas, I want to move into a bigger place,"

"I think that's perfect,"

"You do?" I bite my lip. "Not too soon?"

She shakes her head. "By the time you actually move in and what not you'll have been together over a year,"

I nod. "We both like different things so I know we'll take a while to find somewhere we both like, he's particular about the neighbourhood / I'm particular about the design and interior,"


I bite my lip again.

"What else is bothering you?"

It was always strange how well Lou knew me, and although she's my friend and I'm a mother too, I always felt like she was my second mum.

I sigh. "I heard Harry talking to Zayn.. he doesn't want to marry me,"

Lou stops what she's doing and looks over at me. "You want to marry him?"

I swallow. "Well, yeah. Some day. I want to at least have that option, I mean what girl doesn't want to have the dream wedding with someone she loves?"

"I understand. But marriage isn't everything, Tom and I aren't married."

"I want to be married, I grew up in a torn family. I won't have the same for Sienna."

"He just completely ruled it out?"

I nod. "Apparently I'm different. Whatever that means." I couldn't help but feel insecure about how I could possibly be 'different'.

"Maybe because of his parents he doesn't want to get married,"

I shrug. "I just don't want us to move in together and that be it for life y'know? I want children and family and.. just a life with him. I don't want to be stuck here."

With Lou remaining silent I didn't know if she agreed or not, her facial expression passive. I felt like I was the only one in this situation, as if me wanting marriage was crazy and us just living together was normal.

But what do they expect? I can't live my life as 'Harry Styles' girlfriend' forever, can I?

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