Fifty One

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26th July



It seemed that the perfect two were in paradise, but reports and sources say otherwise.

Apparently Harper flew out to Harry to join the 1D boys on tour but left only a few days later.

"They bicker a lot," One source says. "Most of the time they slept separately and ignored each other at any given chance." Says another.

"I'd really love to meet these sources," I mumble exiting the article and standing up from the sofa.

Sienna was due to wake up any minute from her nap and I wish I had had one too.

The weather was gorgeous, hot enough for me to possibly catch a tan but too hot for Sienna to stay in it long enough so I decided I would fill up our little toddler pool and have some burgers on the barbecue for dinner.

That was until my doorbell rang.

"Harry," I let out a breath as if I'd been holding one.


I didn't know whether to look at him, smile, shut the door, cry.. I was a whole labyrinth of emotions - if it's possible to be one. I hadn't seen him in over two weeks and although I tried to ignore this empty feeling, it was always there.

"Can I come in?"

I nod walking away hearing him shut the door behind him.

"Are you up to much?"

I take the salad I'd prepared outside.

"Sienna is due to wake up then we're eating,"

"Oh," He looks as if he's blushing almost. "Okay.."

I let Harry wake Sienna up, I decided she would like that and by the way she was giggling and cuddling into Harry I knew she definitely enjoyed the surprise.

"I'm hungry mummy," She pouts.

I smile. "We've got food outside,"

Sienna's eyes light up. "We eatin' outside?!" She excitedly jumps down from Harry and rushes outside where she sees the toddler pool and squeals.

"Want to stay for food?" I offer.

Harry scratches the back of his head. "You sure?"

I nod. "Sienna would love it,"

. . .

"Harry stop!" Sienna giggles. Harry had found an old water gun and was squirting cold water at her as she splashed in the toddler pool. I smiled as I read my book, sat on a very old sun lounger I for some reason haven't thrown out yet.

"Get mummy!" Sienna squeals.

Harry turns to me, the water gun positioned in his arms, face full of mischief.

I hold my book up. "You dare, Harry." I warn.

He smirks holding it up and aiming.

"Harry, I swear-"

And with that he shoots, it hits my bare stomach and I scream in shock from the freezing cold water.

"You-!" I can't bring myself to get the words out.

He laughs along with Sienna and squirts a little more before I slam my book down and stand. "Right!"

I chase Harry, Sienna watching giggling and clapping. Once I grab his arm he pulls away and I jump onto his back attempting to grab the gun.

When I do, I turn it around and squirt straight in his face, he gasps in shock and it was now my turn to laugh. "Got you,"

He smiles turning his head to look at me, his eyes meeting mine. "You have,"

. . .

When Harry came down from putting Sienna to bed I had just finished folding our washing.

"She was too excited to go to sleep,"

I nod. "I bet, she's missed you."

He sits down, letting out a breath as I place my washing into a basket, Sienna's into another.

"I've missed her.. and you,"

I nod. "I've, I've missed you too Harry."

"I really am sorry about everything, I didn't want to hurt you. I did it because I want you and Sienna happy and comfortable,"

"And I understand that, but I want to do that myself, I don't want help."

He nods. "I'm sorry,"

"I know,"

"You still love me?"

I roll my eyes walking over and sitting beside him, taking his hand. "Of course I love you, you dumbass. But that's just it; you're a dumbass."

He smiles sadly.

"I want us to be together," I admit. "But I think we should just.. relax for now, you finish tour and then we can really work on us again. Deal?"

He nods. "Deal,"

I smile, although I was still shaken up about everything I could only really picture making things right with Harry. Permanently removing myself from his life would do more harm than good to the both of us.

"You're the one for me, Harper." He brushes my hair to the side. "The only one,"

"And you're the only one for me, Harry Styles."

"I'll do anything as long as I get to see your smile and hear your voice."

"Just.. don't lie to me," I whisper.

"I won't, ever again."

And although I shouldn't have, I leaned in and I let him kiss me. Call me weak, call me a fool, but I can't help it, I'm hopelessly in love with Harry Styles.

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