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11th July


Yesterday I was able to avoid Harry for most of the day, he knew something was definitely wrong and I didn't know how I didn't scream at him.

I had just finished packing when Harry walked into our room with Sienna on his hip, she was giggling away and the sound warmed my heart, but I knew what I had to do, what had to be said.

"Sienna do you want to go and play with Lux for an hour before your nap?"

She nods as I text Lou that she wanted to play and within minutes she was knocking on our door, Liam and Sophia were with her too.

"So.." Harry sat on the bed as I stood, arms crossed.

"You lied to me,"

His face is blank. "I.."

"All of your emails with Samantha? Yeah, saw the lot. I saw every single sordid lie."


"Please," I whisper. "I can't believe you did this, I can't believe you lied to me.. this whole time, my whole career is this big fat lie."

"It's not a lie, I just-"

"Just what Harry?! You emailed Samantha basically asking her to sign me to the agency."

"I wanted what was best for you-"

"What's best for me?! You think you did what's best for me?!" I scoff.

"I didn't want to hurt you or lie or-"

"Except you did. You made me believe that they genuinely liked me, it all makes sense.. when you FaceTimed me in New York asking about my panic attack, she told you.. didn't she?"

He looks away, guilt all over his face.

"Unbelievable," I gasp.

"Harper, I love you. I did it-"

"No, you don't love me. You ignored me and went behind my back setting me up, lying..I don't understand how you could be so deceitful..?"

He remains silent.

"Sienna and I will come to the show tonight,"

He looks relieved, standing up as if to say something but I stop him, my hand up against his chest so he can't come any further.

"But after that you say your goodbyes, we'll fly home and you don't contact me."

His face drops. "Harper-"

"I can't okay? I've had enough liars and disappointments in my life. And anyway, it's not like you'd want to marry me; I'm way too different."

He looks up, his eyes wide. Realisation crossed his face and he and I both know I heard his conversation with Zayn the other night.

I pick up my bag and leave Harry in the hotel room, and although I wanted to drop to my knees and sob, I instead spent the afternoon trying to tame my crazy three year old.

. . .

The boys were great as always, their performance was 110%. But I could see Harry's behaviour was a little different. We hadn't spoken since I left the hotel room and I had no idea what he was feeling or thinking.

Heading backstage I nod at Paul who was pointing to his watch - we had fifteen minutes to say goodbye.

Sienna was tired but still happy to see Harry and give him a hug. He picked her up and she hugged him tight. This made me sad but I knew that in the long run I was doing what's best for the both of us.

"I don't want to go," Sienna pouts.

"Well you have to go back to nursery," a Harry encouraged.

"Why can't I stay with you?" She asks Harry, holding onto him even tighter it that's possible.

"Because I'm leaving again tonight, and you need to go home. See your friends."

"You're my friend, and Lux."

"I'm not your best friend?" He gasps playfully.

She giggles. "Yes,"

They have a cuddle before I say it's time to say goodbye to everyone else. Harry walks us to the mini van, helping with the luggage.

"Thanks," I cough awkwardly. Sienna was strapped ready in the car.

"You're welcome, have a safe flight."

I nod. "Thank you,"

"When.. when can I see you again?"

We stare at each other, the silence deafening as I try to figure out what I wanted.

"I don't know," I answer honestly.

"I love you, Harper."

"Yeah," I swallow unable to muster those words up. If this was two days ago it would have flowed straight out, but now I had my doubts. "Bye Harry,"

"Bye Harper,"

And with that, I got in the mini van and swallowed back the tears as Harry kissed his hand and waved a last goodbye to me.

. . .

Wow guys! A lot of comments on the last chapter!! Thanks! Keep the votes & comments coming! Xxxx

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