Forty Five

9K 381 57

26th June 2014


So tonight I had been invited to a party, it was someone Kendall knew, another model apparently who had kindly extended the invitation to me.

I was nervous about going, I didn't know anyone in the model network apart from Kendall, and I was nervous they wouldn't even like me.

"You okay? You look great," Kendall compliments as I sit in the car, she wasn't driving - someone was driving us.

"Thank you, I'm great."


I nod, "Quite nervous actually."

"Where's Sienna?"

"One of the girls who works at her nursery is a childminder, she's watching her for the night for me."

"That's sweet,"

. . .

Pulling up to the party the paparazzi were surrounding as usual. I should have expected it as every model possible was apparently attending tonight.

We were escorted inside and shown to the section where the party was going on. Kendall was constantly being stopped and saying hi to someone, introducing me too.

We were given complimentary champagne that I wasn't sure whether to drink or not as I'm not yet 21. Kendall waved it off and told me 'everyones drinking.'

How's the party going? .X

Harry's text only made me feel homesick, homesick for what exactly? I don't know, I just wanted him right now. If he was here he'd be guiding me around, introducing me to people and talking, making connections.

But he wasn't here and I had to be okay with that.

. . .

Kendall and I had somehow ended up in a round booth, we were sat with a whole load of models including Cara Delevingne who was sat beside me.

I felt quite comfortable sipping my cranberry juice and talking to others, but it all began to get uncomfortable when drugs were mentioned.

"Who doesn't do it nowadays?" Cara smirked taking out a small bag filled with white powder.

Everyone was excited, gasping, pleading for some of whatever was in her bag, everyone except myself and Kendall of course.

Kendall spotted someone - her sister apparently and quickly left the table. I wasn't able to as I watched wedged between two people.

"You want some?" Cara asked making a thin line with the powder and her bank card.

I gulp shaking me head. "No, no thank you,"

"Not your thing? I have some weed? And some pills.. if you're into that? Pills are a pretty girls drug after all.."

I smile. "No thank you,"

"Oh come on! Live a little, you can't model and not take anything, it's the drugs that keeps us thin,"

Each and every single person at the table nodded their head in agreement, but I knew I couldn't do it, I kept thinking how angry Harry would be, how much of a disappointment I'd be to Sienna.

"Harper," Kendall called, her eyes wide, hands shaking. I instantly knew something was wrong.

Standing up, I watch as each girl leans down to breathe in whatever it was Cara had given them. The line disappearing within a matter of seconds up their noses. I excuse myself and leave the table making my way over towards her.


"We need to get out of here,"


"Come on,"

She dragged me through towards a back door where her sister waited with a security guy. We leave the party unnoticed and slip into the car.

"What was that all about?" I sigh sitting back as the driver turns onto a main road. I was genuinely happy to be away from everyone at that table.

"That club was five minutes away from being raided."

"What?" My eyes were wide with pure shock.

"An insider messaged me telling me to get out as it was going to get raided, the second models have a party the police know it's the perfect place to raid."

"But we left everyone.." I panic thinking about the drugs Cara had.

"If they're dumb enough to have it, they can pay the consequences.."

Modelling really is a dog eat dog world.

"Plus, most of those models hate me, they only pretend to so they don't get humiliated."

"Thank you for getting me out," I smile at her.

"You're my friend Harper, we've both got a great future, I couldn't stand to see you go down with those lot."

"Well, thank you."

"I'm Kylie by the way," Kylie smiles introducing herself.


I wanted to ask why or how she got in the club when she's younger than us, but then again if you're famous and have money, you can pretty much do anything.

"I'll drop you home, is that okay?"

I nod. "Perfect,"

And although it wasn't home, it was nice to return to it; get in bed, fall asleep and pretend tonight never happened.

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