Chapter Nine

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Hey guys, I can't really figure out who I want to cast as Edie JUST yet, suggestions??

. . .

25th January 2014.


Harry had been gone a week exactly. he was only staying until the 27th then he was returning back to London.

We had been in contact all week, he texted and even FaceTimed when he had the chance. I thought it would be really awkward, but it never was and we would always stay on for at least two hours just talking. That was until I fell asleep and woke up to a cute text telling me to sleep well.

I was really happy with us, we were both already so comfortable; if it was any other guy I would have been worried and looking for a way out, but with Harry I only looked forward to when I could talk to him again. He made me excited and happy and feel like a teenager who had a stupid crush on the cute boy at school.

Arriving home from picking Sienna up from nursery I was ready to get us both into our comfy clothes and to eat whatever was in the fridge.

That was until my doorbell rang. Shifting Sienna on my hip, I open the door to a beaming Harry who was holding up a bouquet of flowers.

"What are you doing here?!" I gasp instantly pulling him in for a one arm hug.

"Sorry shall I leave?" He jokes pulling back.

"No, no I'm just shocked you said you weren't coming back for another two days,"

He grins walking in. "Wanted to surprise you," He hands me the flowers and I smile instantly, he then hands Sienna a single Daisy flower. Her eyes light up as she clutches it with both hands.

"What do you say?"

"Fank you,"

I put her down and she runs into the livingroom. I turn and give him another hug. "Thank you, they're beautiful, and also for the surprise."

We walk into the kitchen, Sienna hot on our heels. Harry lifts her and places her in her highchair. "Hungry?" I ask.

"I've literally been off the plane two hours. I'm starved."

"Oh, well.. I need to go shopping so I don't have much in but-"

"Let's order,"

I frown. "I can't order, I have different bills going out, things to pay off, pay for-"

"I'll pay Harper," He rolls his eyes as if it's obvious.

"I can't just let you pay for our dinner,"

He smiles taking off his boots. "You can, where do you want to order from?"

. . .

"Amazing," I smile as Harry lays Sienna down to sleep. He had literally read five pages of her story and she was out like a light, it takes me at least an hour to get her to settle for the story.

We had ordered from a place called Wagamamas in the end, I didn't feel like pizza and I'm not keen on letting Sienna eat Chinese or Indian food as of yet.

"She always just drops off,"

"You have a gift,"

We settle down in my living room, I take out some white wine and pour us both a glass. "I don't know if you like white, I just.. thought.."

"It's fine, I like it. Not really a fan of red wine."

"Me neither," I laugh tucking my feet under, Harry instantly frowns taking my legs and putting them over his lap like he did the other week.

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