Fifty Five

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Don't forget to vote and comment guys! Love you all. Don't forget to check out the prologue to the sequel!! xxx

. . .

20th October


My mum was having Sienna for three days, she felt like she was overdue some grandmother-granddaughter time so she picked her up first thing and has taken her to Brighton for the weekend.

Sienna cried when I put her in the car, she wanted me to go but once I explained that grandma needs Sienna time too and she'll have the best time ever she soon changed her mind.

This meant I was free, I'd spent the morning answering emails, checking dates for shoots and appearances before I text Harry a good morning.

Although he and the boys have finished tour now they still had commitments like the books signing they had today.

With a lot of persuasion on Harry's part he convinced me into going to the book signing, although I wasn't really a fan of hundreds of girls staring at me and taking photos of my every move so, instead I planned on surprising Harry.

I text Gemma to meet me outside where the signing was and bought myself their book.

. .

The line was longer than I anticipated and half an hour into the wait Gemma and I were seriously bored. Girls had asked me several times for photos and why I was standing in line, it was kind of awkward.

When it was finally my turn, Niall was first and he laughed hugging me. "Harper you nutter you didn't have t wait!"

I smile. "What can I say? I'm a huge fan,"

Niall signed the book passing it onto Liam who also gave me a hug. When it was handed to Louis instead of signing it with his name, he drew a huge penis.

Passing it on to Harry he smiled at me. "Your boyfriend know you're here?"

I smirk. "It's rude to assume," I play along.

"You're far too beautiful to not have a boyfriend,"

"He knows I'm here now,"

He hands it over to Zayn and then I wait for Gemma to get hers signed before security tell us where to wait.

. . .

When the boys are given a break Harry hugs me from behind and kisses my temple. "I've missed you,"

"You saw me this morning," I laugh.

"Still allowed to miss you,"

"What have you got planned for us tonight?"


By the tone of his voice I knew something was wrong.

"What is it?"

"I have this meal thing I've been invited to.. Kate Moss organised it.."

"That's okay," I can't expect him to want to spend all of his time with me.

"You can come with? I'd love for you to be there,"

I twist my mouth. "Really?"

He nods. "You're my girlfriend, I want you beside me at every event."

"I'll go shopping now, pick me up later?"

He nods. "Eight on the dot,"

I kiss him as he's called back out to the second half of the signing and Gemma and I head out towards Oxford Street.

. . .

"Harry!" It was all i'd heard for the past ten minutes, the paps were out in full force to get as many shots of us as possible.

Inside the restaurant it barely stopped, Harry was being called left, right and centre. It was hardly a place of where Harry would come for business, it was definitely an event he'd come to as a friend.

When he introduced me to people they would smile, say hello and be polite but I knew they weren't really that accepting, they weren't bothered about my existence and I bet half actually wished I wasn't there.

"So Harry I wasn't expecting you to bring someone so I didn't save a space beside you," Kate sounded like she was cool with me being there, but with the side eye and the passive aggressive tone I knew she was anything but cool.

"Oh," He frowns. "My mistake I should have said-"

"It's okay, I've seated.."

"Harper," I answer as she gives me a judgemental look.

"I've seated Harper on the back table,"

He smiles graciously and she leaves us to talk to someone who is more important than me.

"Babe, I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's okay," I cut him off feeling awkward. People were constantly looking over, my dress made me feel 60lbs heavier and my shoes were uncomfortable. "I'm going to head home I think,"

He pouts taking my hand. "I want you here,"

I shake my head kissing his cheek. "You enjoy, I'll be at home snuggled with a pizza and home interiors magazine."

He waits with me until the driver arrives and tells me to text him when I'm home before kissing me.

I wave him goodbye and smile down at my phone as a text from Kendall comes in.

Texting her back I sit and watch the busy London streets flitter by. It was then that I thought about tonight, how unhappy I felt there. And that's when I realised that maybe I wasn't meant to be liked, and this made my heart heavy.

Although it was around 9pm, the traffic was pretty bad so once I was home I was excited to cuddle up in my bed - even if it wasn't with Harry.

I search for my keys and head up my path but I'm stopped as I stare at the figure stood in my doorway.

With a smirk on his face, and a take away in his hand Harry waves some home interior magazines. "Thought we could look through these together?"

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