Chapter Eight

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Thank you to One_Direction_x for editing. You're a life saver <3

. . .

17th January 2014


I woke up with an awful headache. I wanted more than anything to go back to sleep but I knew that wasn't going to happen, Gemma was stopping by then I had to quickly pack so I could catch my flight tomorrow to LA at 9am.

I felt a body beside me sigh and turn over, I slowly sat up rubbing my face looking at her body, it was hardly covered and I had to congratulate myself on being able to get someone like her into bed.

"Morning," She smiled.


"You don't have to worry about me," She laughs sitting up and tying her hair up. "I won't do a kiss and tell, or even be hurt if you don't text me,"

I nod unsure of what to say.

She pulls on her blouse, looking at my suitcase. "Going somewhere?"

I shrug. "Supposedly."

"Better pack then," She stands and pulls her skirt up grabbing her bag. "Thanks for last night," She smiles kissing my cheek. "Bye Harry,"

I nod. "Bye.."

"Edie," She laughs. "I'm Edie,"

"Bye Edie,"

With that she smiles and leaves my room, seconds later I hear her heels against my floor downstairs and the front door open and close.

Laying back on the bed I sigh rubbing my face. "Shit,"

. . .


"Harper! You will never guess who I hooked up with last night!" Edie excitedly shouted down the phone to me.

"Enlighten me-" Just as I finished my sentence Sienna spilt the pink paint everywhere. "Oh dear! Erm Edie call me later Sienna's spilt paint everywhere." I end the call and instantly stand up. Luckily I had paper down but I didn't want it to ruin the others we'd made.

We were making her party invitations. They weren't going out to many people, mainly my family but I thought it would be a nice activity for a rainy Sunday afternoon. "There," I smile cleaning the last bit up. "All cleaned up,"

Sienna giggles continuing her painting, I don't know what it was of, but it's not about that I guess.

. . .

Edie tried to call me whilst I was in the middle of dinner, then when I was bathing Sienna and again when I was just getting Sienna to sleep.

I know it's important to her about who she hooks up with but if I'm honest, I really don't care, hence why I didn't return her calls and sent her a text.

Sorry, busy with Sienna.. arrange to meet sometime soon xxx

Although she didn't reply I knew she mentally agreed. We've been best friends for so long, we just know each other.

Edie was always the loud, brash party girl who didn't care if you saw her bra or if she fell over drunk in front of everyone. She's always been so sociable and outgoing it was hard to keep up.

When I had Sienna our relationship changed, I couldn't be the girl she wanted me to be, I couldn't go out from Friday to Sunday, I couldn't just leave my phone somewhere, I had to grow up, become responsible.

And Edie hasn't yet.

Although I do love Edie a lot, she doesn't get it, she doesn't understand that having three one night stands in the space of four days isn't cool, she doesn't understand that Sienna takes a lot of care, she doesn't really try to show much interest in Sienna, she'd rather be with me when I don't have her which is hard but she needs to understand that Sienna comes first, every time.

Laying in bed I couldn't get to sleep so I found my phone and texted Harry.

Excited for LA?

He hadn't spoken to me, I wasn't sure if this was because I said no or because he was just busy, but I didn't want him upset with me.

Kind of .x

You're not upset at me are you?

Why would I be, you haven't done anything .x

Because I said no to LA..

I'd never be upset about that Harper, I understand you have a life you can't just alter. It's fine I promise .x

:-) good. I was worried x

Don't be, the second I land home we'll arrange something .x

Sounds good Harry :-)

Get some sleep, I'll text you before I leave and when I arrive in LA. Sweet dreams .x

Night Harry .x

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