Chapter Fourteen

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3rd February 2014
Sienna's third birthday..


Sienna was overly excited for her birthday, so much so, she woke up at 5:30am. I had thankfully taken the day off work and had gotten a good nights sleep so I felt well rested.

"My birthday! My birthday!" She jumped excitedly.

"I know," I laugh holding her still as she sat on me on the bed.


"You want them now?"

She grins.

I walk over to my wardrobe and take out her presents I'd been collecting over the past few months, I bought a load before Christmas so then I give her half at Christmas, the other half on her birthday.

She begins to unwrap the first one, it's a cute pink jumper with 'LOVE' on it.

"Do you like it?"

She nods clutching it to her chest making me laugh. She goes through the rest of her presents in 0.02 seconds flat. She had a Frozen Elsa and Anna doll, Elsa dress, a Frozen plate, knife, fork and spoon set, a Disney princess backpack and a new set of books.

"Bike mummy?"

I swallowed guiltily. "The bike isn't ready yet," I white lie. "It's still in the shop,"

"Okay." She grins holding her Elsa and Anna doll box.

"Shall I take those out?"

She nods handing me the box. "Yes pease,"

As Sienna plays with her dolls I begin breakfast, she's always liked my big breakfasts on her birthday, even though we've only done it once before..

Happy Birthday to Sienna. See you both later .xx H

Thanks Harry! You're also awake at 6am?! X

Gym time. Thought Sienna would be awake with excitement x

She sure was! Cooking breakfast as we speak x

Enjoy your morning .xx

And we did, we ate our breakfast in bed watching Peppa Pig until Sienna decided she wanted to watch Frozen which she then did, she kept holding up the dolls to the screen when the characters came on which was cute.

. . .

"Happy birthday to you!" Harry immediately started to sing the second I opened the door, Sienna on my hip.

Sienna giggled once he finished and held her arms out to him which was strange, she's never done that to anyone else apart from my mum, so the fact that she actually wanted to be held by him was new to me.

He shifted her up and she hugged him tightly.

"Had a nice morning?"

She nods with a smile. "I got Elsa and Anna doll,"

Harry gasps. "Really?"

She nods. "And Elsa's dress."

"My word you're spoilt,"

"And this jumper," She smiles petting her chest.

"Wow, you're a lucky girl. Did you thank mummy?"

She nods smiling at me.

"Okay well you and mummy go wait in the living-room and I'll bring your present."

I frown as Sienna jumps down and runs off. "You didn't need to get her anything,"

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