Thirty Nine

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31st May 2014

Harper's POV

Arriving back in London felt good, it was nice to know where I was exactly. Stretching and heading towards the kitchen I find Sienna sat next to Niall who had kindly set up breakfast.

Sienna was tucking into some toast when I kissed her cheek and sat beside her pouring myself a tea. "Are you feeling better now mummy?"

I smile. "A little yes, thank you."

"I made you a picture,"

I gasp, "You did? Thank you,"

She nods. "Where is it Niall?" She turns to Niall who was just about to take a spoonful of cereal.

"On the counter,"

I stand and pick up the picture. It was scribbles and random colours but like any mother I treasured it and told her it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen before placing it on the table as I needed to show it off to everyone, obviously.

When Harry entered, it was just after Liam and Louis woke up, I felt a little odd when he sat beside me. When he kissed my cheek the photo of him with the girl came to mind and when he asked me if I was okay I gave him a simple 'I'm fine'. I didn't mean to be so off with him, but it turns out the photos affected me more than I had wished it to.

I decided today I would take Sienna to London zoo, we hadn't been since she was a small baby and I felt she deserved a break from the backstage scene.

We arrived at the zoo a little after one, Harry, Lou and Lux also joined Sienna and I. Harry was mainly with Lou, holding Lux and showing her the animals. Sienna was really jealous and at one point began crying so I distracted her by walking away and over to the giraffes.

Harry must have noticed we left because he jogged over to us fifteen or so minutes later.

"Hey, sup?"

I shrug. "Sienna got upset so I brought her over here."

He frowns. "Why was she upset?"

"Because you were holding Lux.."

"I can't give them both attention," He scoffs.

This was a new attitude I'd seen of Harry, and it instantly annoyed me.

"It's okay, I'll give her my full attention,"

I turn back to Sienna but Harry takes my hand. "What's wrong with you today? You've been off all day,"

"I'm tired,"


"Harry, I'm not arguing right now,"

"Good, neither am i. I'm asking you what's wrong,"

"Just.. nothing. I'm fine."

He sighs. "You're so difficult sometimes,"

"Well I can make things less complicated for you," This time I do turn away and take Sienna's hand. I leave Harry standing in the same spot and walk over to grab myself and Sienna a snack.

. . .

I made my way back home with Sienna at around five, I hadn't seen Harry since we left him by the giraffe area. I don't know why his attitude annoyed me so much, I guess because we never argue, and the photo of him and the girl had been playing on my mind were contributing factors.

I made Sienna and myself dinner, bathed her and got her to sleep by seven.

There was a knock at my door as I finished sorting out washing from the past three days.

"Hi," Harry shuffles awkwardly.

I leave the door open as I walk back to the washing.

"I'm sorry for earlier," He apologises shutting the door. "I shouldn't have been so snippy, I should have paid attention to Sienna, I know she's missed me."

I swallow, folding a t shirt. "Yeah,"

Harry's eyes crease as he calculates something. "Is there something else going on?.."

I drop the t shirt, my hands firmly scrunching it between my fingers. "Who's Natasha?"

His face is unreadable, I don't know if it's deliberate or whether he was unsure of how to react.

"An old school friend, I've known her since I was around six or seven.. why?"

I sigh. "I was sent a photo of the two of you on twitter." I white lie.

"People are bound to do that, they want to get to you,"

"Do you see her a lot?" I ask curiously.

He shrugs. "Not really, she's at uni, I'm doing this. I went home a day before Manchester to see family and she came round."

I nod. "Okay," But then something clicked. "You said you landed in Manchester the morning of your first show, not the day before."

"I know, because if I told you I was there a day early you'd be pissed,"

"And I'm not now?"

"I don't know, are you?"

He was acting so evasive I couldn't figure out what to do with this new Harry. "So you lied to go home and spend time with another girl?"

"No! See this is why I didn't tell you,"

Ouch. That stings a little.

"I went home to just have alone time, she came round when she found out I was home because she was going back to uni."

"So the texts you sent me that day, where you said you were really bored at the airport were just lies?" I ask, a tear slipping down my cheek.

Harry looks up, the guilt flushing his face. "Harper, I didn't-"

"We have just gotten over the last lie I found out about," I cry.

"I love you Harper, you know that. I didn't want to lie, I just didn't want to add more stress to you,"

I shake my head. "Don't use that as an excuse."

"I'm not, I just don't want you to think I'm this huge liar,"

I stay silent as I fold the t shirt.

"You.. don't think I'm a liar, do you?"

I shrug meeting his eyes. "I don't know what to think Harry,"

He nods, a sad look on his face. "Can I.. Stay the night?"

Although I wanted to scream no, he knew and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if he left. Harry and I are not the type of people to leave things hanging between us - except the time I went three days without speaking to him, but even then he tried and tried until I relented. We believe in fixing things, rather than giving up.

"Yeah, I'm just finishing this washing then going to bed."

He nods. "I'll go wash my face,"

I nod as he leaves and take my phone out of my back pocket. I open up an new email and click on Samantha's address.

Hi Samantha,

Hope you're well. Had a busy week, sorry about the lack of communication. Thought about New York and I say.. let's do it.

Tell me all the dates and I'll be there.



. . .

Hi guys so what do you think?!!? Thanks for the comments about the sequel! I'm excited too :-)

Vote, comment & all the other good stuff - please and thank you! Thanks for reading..

Laura <3

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